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Thursday, January 7, 2021
Bible Meditation: 
Psalm 19: 7-14

The law of the Lord is PERFECT, reviving the soul – Psalm 19:7

Our meditation text today highlights Six ACTIVE ATTRIBUTES of GOD’S WORD: The law of the Lord is PERFECT, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is SURE, making wise the simple; the precepts of the Lord are RIGHT, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is PURE, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is CLEAN, enduring for ever; the ordinances of the Lord are TRUE, and righteous altogether” (Psa.19:7-9). In the Old Covenant, the Word of God is often called the Law of the Lord. Here, in rapid succession are six attributes or descriptions of God’s Word, namely: “perfect,” “sure,” “right,” “pure,” “clean,” “true”.

Psalm 19 provides clear insight into the Sufficiency of Scripture for everything we need in this life as we are grow in godliness. God’s Word taken into our minds and hearts is able to transform us from the inside out. In conjunction with the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the Bible is able to accomplish all that God desires to do upon the earth (Is 55:10–11). Psalm 19: 7-9 portray the many-faceted nature of the all-sufficient Scripture: the six highlighted attributes of God’s Word produce unique effects in the recipients, namely: “restoring,” “making wise,” “rejoicing,” “enlightening,” and the “fear of the Lord.”

God’s Perfect LawRestores or Revives the Soul. Scripture is “perfect” – whole, complete, comprehensive, and all-sufficient. When it is explained and brought to bear upon a life, the Word has the supernatural ability to restore or revive the soul. Scripture is so powerful that it converts and radically transforms the entire person from the inside out.

God’s Sure TestimonyInstructs or makes Wise the Simple. Scripture as ‘testimony’ contains God’s outspoken witness to man. The Bible speaks frankly, openly, and directly. The Word is “sure” – it is absolutely reliable, trustworthy, unwavering, and immovable. Scripture instructs the simple: It provides God-given insight to those whose understanding has not yet matured” (Ps 119: 98–100).

God’s Right PreceptRejoices the Heart. It reveals the right and proper path to take in life, thus producing boundless gladness. Scriptural truth is so all-sufficient that it causes the fearful or depressed heart to be glad. It offers true joy and lasting contentment.

God’s Pure CommandmentEnlightens the Eyes. That the Lord’s commands are “pure” means that they are illuminating. They make the dark things of life come to light, brining eternal realities into focus. Scripture gives light to those who are in darkness concerning the ways of God: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps 119:105). God guides His people by His light-giving Word: “I have chosen the faithful way; I have placed Your ordinances before me” (Ps 119:30).

God’s Clean FearEndures Forever. God’s Word is clean, with no impurity, and devoid of any flaw. Every facet of Scripture is permanent and eternal: “Forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled in heaven” (Ps 119:89); “Of old I have known from Your testimonies that You have founded them forever” (Ps 119:152); “Every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting” (Ps 119:160).

God’s True Ordinances – are Righteous Altogether. Scripture contains the revelation of divine righteousness to man and produces righteousness in those who obey it: “Your righteousness is an everlasting, and Your law is truth” (Ps 119:142). The Scripture is right, speaks what is right, and produces what is right.

Scarcely a day passes without the truth, authority or sufficiency of Scripture being questioned from one quarter or another. But we can stand firm, hopeful in the transformative effects of these key attributes of God’s Word: perfect, sure, right, pure, clean and true. Then, we can truly affirm: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer” (v.14).

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, transform our lives by the authority and sufficiency of Scriptures, and the ACTIVE ATTRIBUTES of YOUR WORD, in Jesus name.
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