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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Bible Meditation: 
Romans 13: 1-14

The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the ARMOR of LIGHT – Romans 13:12

The ARMOUR of LIGHT is dear to Citizens of the Kingdom of Light:The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the ARMOR of LIGHT(Rom.13:12). The earlier part of this epistle highlights doctrinal truth on salvation and godly living. As the epistle drew to a close, these warnings emerge. For centuries Christians have responded to these urgent words. However, the time Christians are to live as lights to the world, is almost over. The present time is like a dark night of sin, in a broken world of pollution, perversions, and pandemics. But as children of the Light, we are to live in moral purity and godly character, and be alert to the soon return of Christ our Lord. 

These warnings ring loud because the time of the Gentiles, when Satan rules as the god of this age and the prince of the power of the air, is almost over (Rev.12:12). The dispensation of God’s grace is near conclusion and we must not allow ourselves to drift into slumber or get sucked into the snowballing deception that is flooding secular society and many church congregations. The day of Christ's glory, when He returns in power draws ever closer: And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed” (v.11).

The works of darkness refer to any worldly activity that discredits God’s name. The armour of light is not material, but spiritual and moral, approved for children of the light. God covers Himself “with light as with a garment” (Psa.104:2). Jesus is the Light of Life (Jh.8:12). Thus, to put on the ARMOUR of LIGHT is to put on the CHARACTER of CHRIST (v.14). Those who walk like Him, pray like Him, work like Him, speak like Him, love like Him, are the ones who wear His Armour, and are victorious over the powers of darkness. To put on the armour is to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, equipped against all the assaults of the world and Satan. It is to choose to live to honour Christ, clothed daily in His purity.

Awakening from sleep compulsorily precedes the armour of light. Those who are asleep or about to sleep cannot put it on. To arm involves watchful alertness and prayerful vigilance. Like David who in confronting Goliath, rejected Saul’s hampering armour, and wisely chose to go in the Armour of Faith, those who win in life’s battles move in obedience to God’s instructions, and ignore the world’s carnal options. We conquer by Light in the battles of life!

Our lives as citizens of the Kingdom of Light should be living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to the Lord (Rom.12:2). This includes honouring governments and submitting to the established, human authorities, which God Himself, has ordained (vv.1-7). But we remain mindful that our time on earth is limited, and the day of Christ’s Return in Glory is fast approaching.

In summary, living in difficult and evil times should not prevent us from doing what it right. We must not allow the world to squeeze us into its mould, but serve one another in love. We are to be shining lights and purifying salt in a darkened and distasteful world (Mt.5:14-17). We are to live honestly and righteously in the fear of the Lord, remembering that although we live in the world; we are not part of its system, and should act appropriately (Jh.17:16; 1Jh.2:15-17).

When the Lord prayed alone on the mountain, the glory-light shone in His face (Mt.17:2). Those who tarry at the prayer-closet will be clothed with the armour of light. We must follow the Lord into the place of prayer in order to stand for Him in the place of testimony. May we be ready to set aside every dark deed, and clothe ourselves daily in Christ's armour of light!

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, help me to be awake and alert, to dislodge all deeds of darkness and daily put on the ARMOUR of LIGHT, in Jesus’ Name.
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"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
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