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Sunday, October 1, 2017
Bible Meditation: 
Psalm 47: 1-9

Bless the LORD, all His works, in all places of HIS DOMINION. Bless the LORD, O my soul – Psalm 103:22

Having been grounded in the revelation of Divine Defence and Supernatural Safety and Security, the Holy Spirit is leading us this new month, into prophetic meditations on DIVINE DOMINION! Interestingly, this is a special day for Nigerians at home and in diaspora – the 57th Independence Anniversary of our dear nation. The enemies of God’s Will for Nigeria have fought vehemently over the decades, to truncate or destroy the destiny of this potentially great nation, but the “Governor among the nations” has persistently disallowed them. By His grace, some of us have committed to never give up on Nigeria!

This month’s meditations are therefore apt and pertinent. In various locations and vocations, God has set up and is setting up His saints for Dominion! This month, as the Lord wills, we shall meditate on the meaning of dominion, our mandate of dominion, the dimensions of dominion, our position in dominion, possession of dominion, practice and demonstration of dominion, lifestyle and language of dominion, instruments of dominion, and the realms or domains of dominion. Today, I choose to celebrate ‘His Dominion’, to give thanks to Him who has destined, designed and positioned me and all who are called by His Name, for Dominion in all dimensions of life! My Life and my nation are among “the places of His Dominion”!

Thank You Lord for keeping me alive and well to see a new month and a new day.

Thank You Lord for ordaining this as my Month of Divine Dominion in destiny.

Thank you Lord for the revelation of Words of Dominion prepared for my edification.

Thank You Lord for restoring the Mandate of Dominion that was lost in the first Adam.

Thank You Lord for revealing and restoring my Place and Position in Dominion.

Thank You Lord for setting me up on the Platform of Dominion through redemption by the Blood.

Thank You Lord for helping me to realize and actualize my Possession of Dominion.

Thank You Lord for nurturing me in the Lifestyle and Language of Dominion.

Thank You Lord for equipping me in the Practice and Demonstration of Dominion.

Thank You Lord for training me in the effective use of my Instruments of Dominion.

Thank You Lord for re-establish me in the Realms and Domains of Dominion.

Thank You Lord for perpetuating Your Dominion from generation to generation.

Thank You Lord for empowering me with grace and favor to declare Dominion Decrees!

Thank You Lord for making the nations Your inheritance and the ends of the earth Your possession (Psa.2:8)

Thank You Lord for ruling and reigning as “the Governor among the nations” (Psa.22:28).

Thank You Lord for ruling and reigning over the nations, as the King of all the earth (Psa.47:7).

Thank You Lord for ruling and reigning in Dominion over the affairs and destiny of Nigeria.

Henceforth, when we ponder and pray for our nations, let’s keep this in mind: “For God is the King of all the earth: sing praises with understanding. GOD REIGNS OVER THE NATIONS; God sits on His holy throne” (Psa.47:7-8).

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, let the thanksgiving and celebration from my heart and the dominion decrees of my mouth be acceptable to You, in Jesus name.
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"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
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