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Friday, December 1, 2017
Bible Meditation: 
Psalm 146: 1-10

The Lord shall reign forever – Your God, O Zion, to all generations. Praise the Lord!Psalm 146:10

Congratulations for seeing the twelfth month of the year. For us in Kingdom Capstone Outreach Ministry (KCOM), it has undoubtedly been a Year of God’s Grace, Goodness, and Glory! As we thankfully step into this last lap, our daily meditations via Capstone Capsules will focus on the Celebration of the King of Glory. To celebrate a person is to praise, extol or eulogise him or her; to declare that he or she is great or highly important; to express admiration and approval for the person. The Lord Jesus – the King of Glory – is worthy of our admiration and celebration. Indeed, eternity is insufficient to celebrate His Glory! Our Scripture text, Psalm 146 begins and ends with the exhortation: “Praise the Lord”!

This is our season of Reflection for Celebration. Let’s reflect: at the dawn of the year, we received God’s prophetic promises, and true to His Word, we began to partake of: divine performance; grace for fruitfulness, divine processing for promotion; and prophetic restoration. We were lifted to the platform of prevailing praise and empowered to possess good things, chief of which are: winning wisdom, divine defence, and dominion in destiny. Beyond the promises and performances however, the Lord called and counted us worthy, and equipped us to enter and dwell in the Land of Uprightness. Now, He wants to crown our year with His goodness (Psa.65:11). And, celebrating the King is the surest way to experiencing His blessings.

This month I choose to celebrate the King of Glory: for who He has been, is, and ever more shall be: the King that reigns forever (v.10). “Praise the LORD, O my soul” – my soul has a definite mandate to praise Him (v.1). “While I live I will praise the LORD…” – His Praise is the chief purpose for my living and being (v.2).  My help and hope are in the LORD, not in temporal man (vv.3-5). I will celebrate my Majestic Creator, eternal Keeper of Truth, righteous Judge for the oppressed, Helper of the hungry, and Liberator of the prisoners (vv.6-7). I will celebrate the Healer of the blind, Lifter of the bowed, Lover of the righteous, Preserver of the helpless, Reliever of the fatherless and widow, and Waster of the wicked (vv.8-9).

As I choose the Course of Celebration and the Path of Praise; and as I trust the Lord rather than men, my Helper will usher me into His realms of inestimable Happiness, Joy, and Jubilation. I will celebrate His Righteousness, His wonderful Names, His amazing Grace, His manifest Glory, His incomparable Wisdom, redeeming Power, majestic Presence, and extol His glorious Holiness. I will worship before His Majesty. From the depth of my being and with all of my heart I celebrate: the King of kings, Lord of lords, Prince of Peace, eternal I am that I am, Lord of hosts, Word of God, Lamb of God, Lion of the tribe of Judah, Rose of Sharon, Lily of the valley, the Bright and Morning Star; my Good, Chief, and Great Shepherd. Alleluia!

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, thank You for seeing me thus far; please stir in me the passion to praise and celebrate Your Splendour, Majesty, and Glory, in Jesus name.
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The vision of KCOM is that:
"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 3:18).

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