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Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Bible Meditation: 
Revelation 3: 14-22

Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’ – and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, and poor, blind, and naked – Revelation 3:17

The Mirror of God’s Word will give you a true reflection of who you are in Christ and deliver you from DELUSION. This refers to a misconception; mistaken or false impression; or an eccentric belief or impression maintained despite being contradicted by reality or rational argument. Delusion manifests in diverse ways.

There are people who look at themselves through magnifying mirrors that make them look bigger than they really are. Such people are the “fat cats” in society and Christendom. Some try to portray an image of being one of a few elite personalities who have heaven’s “hot line”! They claim to have such great faith that they can literally move mountains, though no one sees them move moles. Like the church in Laodicea, these folks talk a great talk, but their walk doesn’t back up their mouth: “Because you SAY, I am rich, and increased with goods…” (Rev.3:17a). Their commitment to God and His service is questionable, yet they boast of being spiritual giants who have all the goods and gifts that heaven bestows.

There are others who see themselves in a concave mirror. The only thing that they can really focus on is what is in the centre of the mirror – SELF. Everything else is not important. They see the things and people who are close enough to aid them in satisfying ‘self’ as little tools, but the rest of the world is of no value. Their typical prayer is: “God bless me, my spouse, our children, and no more.” Self is magnified many times over what it should be. Everything about them is to gratify the carnal desires of the flesh. To demand fasting and prayer is an unnecessary burden for someone who is glued to food. They cannot deny themselves of sleep to keep a vigil of prayers and intercession before the Lord. Let God have His say; they must have their way!

In contrast to the deluded “self-magnifiers” are those who see themselves as though they were looking into a convex mirror. These feeble folks have a very small view of their stand in the Lord. Everything and everybody else around them takes precedence; they see themselves as merely a pinpoint of nothing in a great big world. They feel so insignificant, irrelevant, and unnecessary. A favourite text of such people in the whole Bible would be: “What is man, that You should magnify him, that You should set Your heart on him, that You should visit him every morning, and test him every moment?” (Job 7:17-18). God abhors pride, but He does not recommend timidity, false humility or self-humiliation.

Then, there are people who have an extremely warped view of themselves, yet the devil has them so deceived that they will believe blatant lies. Such people cannot align with the right biblical doctrines, as they quote or apply scriptures out of context. Their own private interpretation means that no one is right but them. No other church is preaching the truth but theirs. No other denomination will go to Heaven but theirs. No one can measure up to their warped, but supposedly perfect standards, and so no one else can be right but them. Some of these distorted views are so off track from divine reality that they always have the opposite point of view than the rest of the church.

Finally, there are those who look into the mirror and see themselves as someone who “knows it all”! They are stupidly smart and carnally spiritual. They have been everywhere, done everything, and no one can top the adventures or exploits that they claim to have had. Their heads are stuck so far in the clouds that they have no interest in day-to-day mundane affairs because it’s beneath them. Most of the time they are more of a hindrance than a help in the church!

The challenge is to return to the Mirror of God’s Word for our true reflection. In His “Light shall we see light” (Psa.36:9b). That is the eternal antidote against delusion!

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, deliver me from DELUSION; in Your Light let me continually see light and be transformed thereby, in Jesus name.
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