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Friday, July 13, 2018
Bible Meditation: 
Ephesians 4: 17-32

Nor give place to the devil – Ephesians 4:27

Dealing with Strongholds demands not only that we discern and destroy satanic works, but also DISLODGE the devil! Many Christians are struggling against strongholds that’s wrecking their lives and contaminating their relationships. The devil finds an unclean place within and builds a stronghold there, using it to war against God and His work. The Bible says: “Nor give place to the devil…and do not grieve the Holy of God” (Eph.4:27,30a). On one hand we could give place to the devil and on the other grieve the Holy Spirit. To “give place to the devil” means to sell a prime portion of your life’s territory to the devil, such that he could go in and out of your property at will. Even if he occupies a tiny portion, this intruder would still be a nuisance, throw trash around, pollute the atmosphere and desecrate the property. Yet, you can do nothing, having given him a place. Christians who have given place to Satan can only dislodge him legally, because he owns strongholds in their lives.

There are three things to do to dislodge the devil and break his strongholds: Repent. Resist. Renew!

REPENT: that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts” (Eph.4:22). Repent from sin, confess, and forsake it. Make a complete U-turn and change direction. Repent from lying, stealing, filthy speech, and bitterness (vv.25-29). Lying creates a climate where the devil feels welcome. Lying is the devil’s nature: “The devil is a liar and the father of it” (Jh. 8:44). God’s kingdom is built on truth. Any area of dishonesty in a life will be the devil’s campground. Stealing makes a place for the devil. One of the devil’s core ministries is “to steal…” (Jh.10:10a).

Repent of filthy speech: A filthy mouth is an overflow from a filthy heart: Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth” (v.29; Lk.6:45). Satan incubates and dwells in a filthy heart, and makes a stronghold out of it. Repent from bitterness, wrath, anger, and clamour (v.31). Bitterness deletes joy, victory, and access for prayers. It contaminates and ruins lives. Bitterness births slander and gossiping. It turns to internal wrath, which inflamed produces anger, clamor, evil speaking. The devil can take no place except what you gave him. Repentance is not just being broken over your sin; it is being broken from your sin.

RESIST: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” There must be resistance after repentance. The devil is not just going to stroll away; you’re going to have to run him out. What you gave him, you must take back; but not until you take away his legal authority. Every area of unconfessed sin is legal ground for the devil; it gives him every right to set up camp there. After you repent, you must clean house. Go in there with a power of attorney – the Name of Jesus – and with the blood of Jesus Christ as your authority, take back your territory, command and dislodge him! He will flee from you. But if you try to resist the devil with unconfessed sin in your life, he will laugh in your face.

RENEW: “And be renewed in the spirit of your mind” (v.23). Put off the old man; and put on the new man. Be filled with the Spirit (Eph.5:18). Let God have a key to all rooms in your temple: domestic, marital, family, career, business, political, church and social life. “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption” (Eph.4:30). It’s your choice: you can grieve God’s Spirit and be filled with the devil or dislodge the devil and be filled with God’s Spirit.

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, lead me to repent, resist, be renewed; empower me to DISLODGE the devil and possess the Victory, in Jesus name.
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