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Sunday, February 21, 2016
Bible Meditation: 
Colossians 2:1-10

For ye are all the children of God by FAITH IN CHRIST Jesus – Galatians 3:26

FAITH IN CHRIST is unique to the New Testament. Such faith is not found in the Old Testament. In times past, revelation about God came to rare individuals such as the Patriarchs, prophets and kings, while God used various circumstances to help the faith of the rest of the multitudes: “He made known His WAYS unto Moses, His ACTS unto the children of Israel” (Psa. 103:7). God never relied on mere words to inspire our faith in Himself. To show us Who and What He is, He CAME! The coming of the Messiah made the difference. Calvary accomplished what the blazing manifestations of Sinai could not! All that the vilest sinner needs for eternal redemption is a saving-look of faith to Christ and Calvary. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Supreme Faith-creator. We are to focus on the Pioneer and ‘Perfecter’ of our faith (Heb.11:2).

Faith in Christ is different to any other kind of faith. It is the key to eternal life – the first pedestal of faith. It is the “beginning faith” for every believer. Faith in Christ infers an Embrace between humanity and divinity – clinging to Christ in trustful love. Such passionate embrace between heaven and earth was unknown to humanity, till Jesus came. Christ on the cross cried, “finished.” Eternal life comes only through faith in Christ at the New Birth! The moment a person exercises Faith in Christ, he or she is placed into the Body of Christ, through a marvellous, instantaneous miracle. The new believer passes from death into life, "from the power of darkness...into the kingdom of His dear Son" (Col.1:13b).

Faith in GOD crystallized in CHRIST! He is the Focus of Faith, the Key and the Answer to the riddle of existence. Faith in Christ refers to relationship, trust, being faithful. It is more than belief. Belief is a state of mind; faith is a way of being. Faith in Christ means entering into the kingdom of God to abide and live in Christ, and He is us (Jh.15:4-7). Faith is how we live out the Word of God. Faith is more than a way of thinking; it is our being and becoming in Christ: “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (Jh.1:12).

Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). To this day, nobody ever has found God or ever will, except through Christ. There are numerous religions, pointing in diverse direction, but Christ IS THE WAY. He doesn’t point to a way. Moreover, faith in Christ – not a religious observance, human philosophy or man-made creed – is the basis of our COMPLETENESS in CHRIST. God wants us to keep a testimony of “stedfastness of faith in Christ” (Col.2:5). We are to “walk IN HIM, rooted and built up IN HIM, and established IN THE FAITH…” (Col.2:6-7).

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, let the revelation of faith in Christ bring me into the reality of my Completeness in Christ in Jesus name.
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