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Monday, January 27, 2020
Bible Meditation: 
Romans 1: 1-17

“For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from FAITH to FAITH; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith” Romans 1:17

The Believer is divinely privileged to rise FROM FAITH to FAITH IN DESTINY: “For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from FAITH to FAITH; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith” (Roam.1:17). This is the key verse for the entire book of Romans. This verse that’s uniquely located at the end of the opening prologue – Romans 1:1-17 – is like the loftiest summit in this epistle. Everything prior builds up to this verse. We are lifted by the Spirit to stand at the apex of this towering pinnacle of truth. This same explosive text ignited the Protestant Reformation five centuries ago. And God used this same dynamic verse to convert Martin Luther – an Augustinian monk and Professor of Bible at the University of Wittenberg – to Jesus Christ!

Luther, in 1519, was converted to Christ while meditating on Romans 1:17. He had erroneously assumed that God required that he meet the perfect standard of His righteousness. Luther pushed himself to breaking point by fasting and praying; punished his body to find divine acceptance; and tried by His own self-righteousness to achieve a right standing before God. In all of these efforts, he grew further away from God, and angry with God, knowing he could not meet the standard of sinless perfection. He knew that God does not lower the bar to come down to fallen man’s level. So, he could never attain the bar of God's holiness. There was nothing he could do to gain acceptance with the holy God!

As Luther meditated, searching for acceptance with God, Romans 1:17 like a ray of light, suddenly flashed into his darkened soul. In a moment, he saw the truth that had been previously veiled from his eyes. He discerned that this righteousness of God is not what God requires, but what comes from God. It is the free gift of God to those who believe in Jesus Christ. God gives what He requires, without cost or merit in the gospel. The word “righteousness” (diakaiosune) means a perfect conformity to a standard – to have right standing before God. Through justification, the believing sinner is declared to be righteous before a holy God in heaven. That is not deserved or earned, but comes from above, from God Himself, given freely without cost, but obtained by faith!

The Giver of righteousness sets the terms for how His righteousness is received: by faith alone, apart from any works. It is not faith and works that saves, but by faith alone. The righteousness of God: is “revealed from faith to faith” – received exclusively by faith. Faith means a commitment to, trust in and reliance upon. To be saved by faith implies that a person entrusts all that he is to the Lord Jesus Christ. No one else can make this decision for him. It is a personal commitment that only he can make, and that everyone must make at a defining moment when one enters through the narrow gate. By faith alone, we come to Jesus Christ and receive His righteousness. Faith is the eye that looks to Christ, the feet that run to Him, and the hand that grasps Him.

True faith does not sit passively, but obeys Christ as evidence (v.5). True faith actively embraces Him – the sole Object of our Faith! Foundational faith in Christ's sacrificial death must continue into a life of faith, growing in grace and rising from one degree of faith to a higher. We are justified by faith, sanctified by faith, saved by faith, and one day we will be glorified, when we shall SEE Him as He is. That is the time when faith will be rewarded by sight.

I live by faith (v.17). I walk by faith (2Cor.5:7). I fight the good fight of faith (1Tim.6:12). I overcome by faith (1Jh.5:4). I will never allow Satan to sneak in with doubt or unbelief. I will live every moment moving from faith to more faith to more faith! I’ll grow FROM FAITH to FAITH IN DESTINY!

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, let Your righteousness be revealed in and through me FROM FAITH to FAITH, for all dimensions of destiny, in Jesus name.
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