“Oh, sing to the LORD a NEW SONG! For He has done marvelous things; HIS RIGHT HAND and HIS HOLY ARM have gained Him the VICTORY” – Psalm 98:1
Exuberant Praise and All-round Newness attend to GOD’S HAND of VICTORY: O sing unto the LORD a NEW SONG; for He has done marvelous things; HIS RIGHT HAND and HIS HOLY ARM, have gained Him the VICTORY” (Psa.98:1). God manifested as the Sovereign Saviour (vv.1-3); King (vv.4-6); and Judge (vv.7-9). He marvellously delivered His people in the sight of all the nations, thus inspiring great rejoicing from them (vv.1-3). For the Believer in Christ, our rejoicing is in the Salvation and Victory God has won over the enslaving powers of sin, the world, and the devil. This rejoicing is attended by loud shouts, clapping, and instruments (vv.4-6). It’s like the feeling one gets after winning a pivotal battle. The value of Victory is seen in how nations in history fix their days of celebration around monumental military wins.
The psalms constantly encourage singing “a new song to the Lord” (Psa. 33:3; 96:1; 144:9; 149:1). God is not tired of old songs, but a “new song” is a celebration of a new victory accomplished by Him. Whenever God performed His wondrous works in the redemptive history of Israel in the Old Testament and the Church in the New, His people sang new songs to Him. For example, God’s awe-inspiring redemptive work at the Red Sea provoked new songs (Exo.15:1). How much more should Christ’s conquest of the devil, death, and hell at the cross, and resurrection from the dead, call for great new songs! Whenever we witness powerful works of God such as at the Red Sea, at Calvary, or in our own lives, we are impelled to sing a new song to the Lord.
God programmed the natural creation to give Him glory. However, His human creatures give Him praise and glory as an act of the will. The remainder of the psalm calls for joyful worship from all creation – human and natural – because of God’s salvation and judgment, two divine acts that come hand in hand. When the Gospel is preached, some are saved while others are hardened for judgment. The salvation of the children of Israel at the Red Sea was attended by severe judgment upon the Egyptians, whose hearts were hardened against God. The cross is salvation for believers, but judgment for the rebellious. Jesus Christ suffered the judgment due for our sins on the bloody cross. Therefore, both redemption and judgement call for avid, joyful praise. To question God’s justice is to deny the true meaning of His redemption.
In Christ, we can have Joy in a world that seems to be crumbling down to its very foundations (Jh.16:33). The Believer in Christ sings a “new song,” rather than the previous cry of bondage, hopelessness and moaning from the guilt and burden of sin. Added to new songs are many other “new things” that come via God’s Holy Arm and Right Hand of Salvation and Victory, namely:
A New Heart: God gives, along with salvation, a new heart with holy desires and sanctified purposes and goals (Eze.11:17-20; 36:26).
A New Life: The Life, Mind, and Conduct of the “new man” in Christ (Eph.4:22-27; Col.3:10).
A New Joy: Being born-again comes with a new purpose in life with great joy – “He has put a new song in my mouth – Praise to our God; many will see it and fear, and will trust in the LORD” (Psa.40:3).
A New Attitude and Outlook: When one is saved, enlightened from the Word of God, and obedient to it, life takes a different look (Isa.46:6). Activities of the past now may appear contrary to God’s commands and harmful rather than “fun.” The Bible also becomes alive and helpful.
A New Day: Just as a new day brings fresh prospects and expectations, God gives the Believer a second chance in life (Lam.3:22-23).
A New Covenant, Testament and new promises. A “testament” is a document declaring the will and desires of a person. The New Testament is God’s Will – commitments or promises – made with man in this church age (Mt.26: 27-28; Mk.14:24).
Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)
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"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 3:18).
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