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Saturday, September 21, 2019
Bible Meditation: 
Psalm 22: 1-11

“But You are holy, ENTHRONED in the PRAISES of Israel” – Psalm 22:3

GOD’S HOUSE is the Temple or SANCTUARY of PRAISE, because the Holy God is enthroned in the Praises of His people (Psa.22:3). Some translations say here: "inhabiting the praises of Israel." What an incredible statement! God inhabits praise – Praise is His House, Dwelling Place, and Sanctuary! We read in the New Testament: “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may PROCLAIM the PRAISES of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light (1Pet.2:9). The Church of the Living God is a Sanctuary of Praise! The question is HOW? In what way is our Sovereign God enthroned or seated on our praise? How does the holy God draw near and inhabit the worship of His people? Let’s examine the earlier portion of the psalm, with our mind on praise.

Psalm 22 is a profound psalm, which begins in the depths of great pain, but soars to the heights of praise. Deeply personal, this psalm encourages and comforts persons facing trials and opposition. Also highly prophetic, it points to Christ – His Cross and His Heart as our Saviour. He faced suffering and agony, bore the sins of His people and died to reconcile and draw humanity near to God. The psalm began with a Cry for Deliverance from distress. It is intriguing how David faced his initial feelings of abandonment. The first two verses interpret thus: “Where is God in what I am facing? Why does He not answer me when I call?” Almost immediately, David remembered what is true of God: He is holy, just, and sits enthroned on Israel’s praise (vv.3-5). While looked at himself in his distress, David also looked to God to find hope and comfort.

In verses 4-5 David reflected on the history of Israel and remembered the mighty works of God to the Patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob – and to Joseph and Moses, the Exodus, the Conquest of Canaan, and the time of the Judges. He confessed: Our fathers trusted in You; they trusted, and You delivered them. They cried to You, and were delivered; they trusted in You, and were not ashamed” (vv. 4-5). Next, David described his present feeling of distress, saying of himself: “But I am a worm, and no man, a reproach of men, and despised by the people” (v.6).As much as He was trying to trust God, the people despised and mocked him: “All those who see Me ridicule Me; they  shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying, “He trusted in the LORD, let Him rescue Him; let Him deliver Him, since He delights in Him!” (vv.7-8).

David remembered that God had not only helped His people in the past; He had helped him in person! He spoke of God's guiding hand in his own life (vv.9-10). With all the surrounding anguish and distress he anchored his soul in truth, resting in God for hope, holding firm to his faith. David specifically pleaded for God’s Presence and cried out to God in hope (v.11). For the believer facing discouragement, depression or oppression, this is a wonderful model of prayer and meditation. However dire the situation may be, there is a place of defence – the Sanctuary of Praise, in which God is enthroned!

In our time of need, when there was no one else to help, God Himself came down to Zion, the place of praise, to redeem a people of praise. God, inhabiting the praise of His people, means that God is with us, near at hand. Though holy, high and lifted up, He is also gracious, merciful and near. Through the death of His Son, He is God with us, present in our praises, identifying with us as brethren, having suffered and died in our place. And when we lift up our voice in worship, adoring and exalting Him, He is enthroned on our praise, His glory and power on display in our lives! Our worship reflects the reality that God is here. His throne – His dwelling place – is with us. His glory is manifest in us – we are made to glorify Him.

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, inhabit my praises and establish me in Your SANCTUARY of PRAISE that I may display Your Glory, in Jesus’ Name.
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