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Monday, February 1, 2021
Bible Meditation: 
Ephesians 6: 10-20

And the SWORD of the SPIRIT, which is the WORD of GOD Ephesians 6:17b

One of the most powerful Metaphors of GOD’S WORD is as the SWORD of the SPIRIT: And take the helmet of salvation, and the SWORD of the SPIRIT, which is the WORD of GOD; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints” (Eph.6:17-18). The Sword of the Spirit – which represents the Word of God – is the only offensive piece in the Armour of God that Believers are given as spiritual protection against the schemes of the devil. The first five elements of the armour are defensive pieces, namely: the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, sandals prepared for the gospel of peace, shield of faith, and the helmet of salvation.

The sword used by Roman soldiers was a short, light sword, but a fearsome weapon in the skilled soldier’s arsenal. It was sharpened on both sides and at the point end, making it lethal against unarmoured foes and able to pierce armour. It could be wielded easily with one hand while the other hand grasped the shield. Hebrews 4:12 also describes God’s Word similarly: For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” The Word of God is living and sharper than the two-edged Roman sword! It is capable of piercing to the deepest levels of the human heart and attitude, and it is also a tool of discernment in the hands of the skilled user, penetrating deeper than any deception of sin can hide.

.The sword of the Spirit is unique in that it can be used as both a defensive and offensive tool. While God’s Word can protect us from the lies of the enemy, it can also counter attack. Our classic Model, Jesus used God’s Word as an offensive weapon in Matthew 4 when Satan tempted Him in the wilderness. He demonstrated how valuable it is to be grounded in God’s Word. Satan was eager to derail the plan of God, and after Jesus had spent 40 days fasting in the wilderness, the devil thought he had found the perfect opportunity. Interestingly, Satan prefaced each of his attacks by saying, “If You are the Son of God.” Satan wanted to pull Christ away from His dependence upon the Father and submission to doing the Father’s will; but each time Jesus used the Scriptures to defend against and refute the deceptive temptations.

In each case, Jesus skilfully used a thorough knowledge of the Scripture to deflect and counter-attack the devil’s attacks. This implies that, without training, we cannot use the sword of the Spirit proficiently. Roman soldiers could not be sent into battle without extensive training in weaponry use. Trainees were first trained using wooden weapons; and if they could use these heavier items skilfully, they would be at an advantage to use the real weapons, which were much lighter by comparison. The soldiers were then paired against each other for further training in combat techniques and moves. As Christians, we also must train to become gradually more knowledgeable and skilled in the Word of God, until we are able to use it to discern good from evil. This level of proficiency with the sword of the Spirit comes by “reason of use” (Heb.5:14).

In a sense, without the Word of God, the Holy Spirit is “swordless”! Therefore, we must be acquainted with the Bible and have our spiritual senses sharpened for maximized use! Those who lack the knowledge of God’s Word will struggle to stand or fight in life’s battles; while those who abide in and by God’s Word, will be blessed (Jh.5:24). Our proficiency with the sword of the Spirit also affects our prayer life (v.17). It’s time to take up the sword of the Spirit in our daily life. With God on our side, we are unstoppable.

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, please train me in the proficient and profitable use of YOUR WORD as the SWORD of the SPIRIT, in Jesus name.
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"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
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