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Sunday, August 29, 2021
Bible Meditation: 
Job 23: 1-17

But HE KNOWS THE WAY that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold” Job 23:10

Even when we don’t fully understand, we can be confident that GOD KNOWS THE WAY: But HE KNOWS THE WAY that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold” (Job 23:10). Job had the temerity to speak these words at a time when: his body was covered with sores; his friends were still against him; and he was bankrupt and sitting in a refuse dump at the outskirts of the city! Contained therein are three statements about his God, based on faith in the midst of his suffering. First: “I know that God knows my situation. He knows the way I take."  Second: “I believe it is God who is testing me; when He has tried me."  Third: I believe that after the trials have ended, He will bless me in a unique way. Job didn’t deny the trials, but he saw hope beyond them. God knows. God will reward. He did reward, as we find in the last chapter of Job's life.

Job 42:12a reads: Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning.” Most people would wish to be in Job's position at the end of the book without going through what he did through the book! To gain his knowledge without the suffering is unrealistic. It takes fire to refine gold! Whatever the nature of trials we face, we must take hope that nothing goes on without God's awareness. Job’s appointment with affliction was neither a result of God’s neglect, nor a reflection of Job’s transgressions. It was a refining ministry that the Lord permitted to overtake His faithful servant – with a purpose in view. For manifold centuries Job’s words have been a fountain of comfort to many who passed through fires of trials, as they contain deep truths that form the warp and woof of the tapestry that is being woven in the life of every believer.

Life’s trials, though always painful, can either scorch God’s servant or become a purifying tool that refines our character and hones us into who He desires us to be; for He knows the way that we take and His purposes all combine for our eternal good. God’s Will is to rid each of His children of all the accumulated dross and clutter of carnality – and burn away all that is of me, myself and I. The purifying furnace of trials are but for a moment and for us our ultimate good – to come forth as gold. Job knew his God and trusted His Word. Even though he did not understand why the furnace appeared to be heated seven times hotter, he declared: “For He performs what is appointed for me, and many such things are with Him” (v.14).

We may not understand the divine purpose behind the trials that we are obligated to bear, but God’s Word reminds us that He knows the plans He has for each of our lives – plans for good and not for evil (Jer.29:11). Our times are in His hands. Better days are coming, in Time and in Eternity. Many of Job's rewards came while he was still alive on Earth. Others may await us in glory; and will then be worth it all. Either way, God knows. God always remembers. God will reward! Let‘s trust His Word, knowing that at the end, we will manifest as pure gold.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is our Perfect Model. He walked through this earthly path before us, facing temptations and trials like we are, yet without sin (Heb.4:15). Jesus had to suffer deep pain in the fires of earthly affliction and false accusations. He knew what it was to be misunderstood by friends and enemies alike, but He pressed on for the joy that was set before Him, enduring the cross, despising the shame (Heb.12:2). Like our Lord, we are called upon to finish the course that is set before us so that we can say with Job – “He knows the way I take, and when He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, we confess that YOU KNOW THE WAY that we take and through life’s trials we shall be refined as Gold, in Jesus name.
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