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Monday, July 8, 2024
Bible Meditation: 
Psalm 147: 1-12

“Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; HIS UNDERSTANDING is infinite” Psalm 147:5  

Wisdom is usually related with God, but seldom is God referred to as the GOD of UNDERSTANDING: “Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; HIS UNDERSTANDING is infinite” (Psa.147:5). Understanding is as much a divine attribute of God, as are Wisdom and Power: “It is He who made the earth by His power, Who established the world by His WISDOM, and by His UNDERSTANDING He stretched out the heavens” (Jer.51:15). The Lord’s Understanding of His Creation, His creatures, and everything in time and space is boundless, endless, inexhaustible, immeasurable, limitless, and beyond comprehension! God is at once Omnipotent – All Powerful and Omniscient – All Knowing!

The Psalm begins with “Praise the Lord” – the God Who knows and understands everything! Along with how great and powerful God is, He also has limitless understanding. It’s easy for us to think that God does not understand our struggles. We ponder: God is perfect and Jesus never sinned, so how could He really understand? Even though Jesus was perfect, He walked on this earth like every other person – as a human being that could fall, yet He did not. He was tempted just like every person, yet, He chose not to sin. He felt hunger, pain, suffering, ridicule, rejection, temptation, violence, and everything else that a person can feel and experience. But His understanding is without limit.

Most people desire to be understood. Everyone usually has something to say and want to be understood in what they are saying, but often are not. Young children get frustrated when they cannot say what they are thinking. Teenagers feel as though their parents do not understand them and their struggles. Parents feel as though their children do not understand why they want what they demand. Workers feel as though bosses don’t understand their struggles. With misunderstanding come many conflicts, fights, wars, and loss of friendship and relationships.

The Light of Understanding emanates from the God of Understanding! He understands what every person is going through, but He also knows the path to take to get through every situation. God can work all things out for the good of those who love and follow Him (Rom.8:28). There is nothing so difficult that God cannot bring us through. We, just like Jesus and every other person, may have to go through tough or trying times, ranging from simple temptation to great difficulties in life. We are not alone in this. The best part about it is that God is with us and understands what we’re feeling and going through. We can lean on Him fully for wisdom, strength, and guidance to keep moving forward.

If God has the understanding to create this world and sustain every living molecule perfectly in order, then He understands what we are going through. Beloved, tell Him what you are feeling or facing. He has a plan for your life; trust that He understands you and follow His Plan.

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, reveal Yourself to us as the GOD of UNDERSTANDING, that we may trust You fully with our Lives and Life-Plans, in Jesus’ name.
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"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
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