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Monday, September 5, 2022
Bible Meditation: 
Psalm 95: 1-11

IN HIS HAND are the DEEP PLACES of the earth; The HEIGHTS of the hills are His also– Psalm 95:4

The Depths, Heights, and Vastness of Creation are in THE HAND of the ALMIGHTY GOD: IN HIS HAND are the DEEP PLACES of the earth; The HEIGHTS of the hills are His also. The sea is His, for He made it; and HIS HANDS formed the dry land” (Psa.95: 4-5). Whenever humanity comes into God’s Presence, it must be with Thanksgiving and Praises to Him, the Creator, Owner, and Ruler of the Earth, the Heavens, and their fullness. The Almighty Controller of the Universe rules by HIS HAND!

The Almighty’s Hand controls all DEPTHS: IN HIS HAND are the DEEP PLACES of the earth…” (v.4a). In physical terms, “deep places of the earth” refers to the interior, the inmost depth; that which is “searched out”: The mines, deposits of mineral wealth, and immense natural resources underneath, beyond natural sight and reach or the ordinary power of observation. God knows them as clearly as those which are most plain to human view. All of these are IN HIS HAND: in His Power, under His Government and control as His own, with all the treasures contained. His right over them is absolute and entire. More significantly, in spiritual terms, the “deep places” describe the Satanic habitations of darkness and wickedness: “For the DARK PLACES of the earth are full of the haunts of cruelty” (Psa.74:20b). God’s Hand exercises absolute dominion over all: “Whatever the Lord pleases He does, in heaven and in earth, in the seas and in ALL DEEP PLACES” (Psa.135:6).

The Almighty’s Hand upholds all HEIGHTS: “…The HEIGHTS of the hills are His also” (v.4b). The root word refers to “shining” or “sunny summit.” God’s hand upholds all Heights: Of physical hills and mountains, as well as spiritual social, and material heights in life and destiny! There is no height in life that’s beyond the Hand of the Almighty. That’s why He alone can lift up a person, to never come down. Whereas, those who are lifted by men are prone to demotion: ‘“Do not lift up your horn on high; do not speak with a stiff neck” For exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the Judge: He puts down one, and exalts another” (Psa.75: 5-7). Other translations refer to the “strength of the hills,” which portrays the notion of “treasures” and “pride.” The heights with majestic pride, tower above, and lift up their heads to heaven; but even the highest and strongest mountains are under His feet, bowing to God’s Dominion!

The Almighty’s Hand bounds the Vastness of Seas and Oceans: “The sea is His, for He made it…” (v.5a). His Hand draws the boundaries of the seas with their countless waves, rolling in perpetual motion round the world; and all the billions of living creatures of all species and sizes that inhabit their fathomless depths and inestimable waters. In spiritual terms, the “sea” signifies the immense populations of humanity.

The Almighty’s Hand frames the Expanse of Dry Land: “…and HIS HANDS formed the dry land” (v.5b). By His Word He commanded the dry land to appear, with all its rich and colourful produce; and crowned it with verdure, lushness, fertility, and beauty. Although, God has given – loaned – the earth to the children of men, it is, nevertheless, still His, for He reserved the property to Himself. Being the Creator of all, makes Him, without dispute, the Owner and Lord of all.

The Almighty’s Hand shepherds every True Believer and Worshipper: “For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of HIS HAND…” (v.7a). This is the Hand that holds the rod and staff to guide and comfort His own (Psa.23:4).

Beloved, whatever may be challenging your life and destiny is subject to the HAND of the ALMIGHTY GOD. He controls the depths; upholds or demotes the heights; bounds the vastness of waters; and frames expanses of lands. Above all, His Hand shepherds His flock! If you are among the sheep of His Pasture, rest assured, you are safe and secure!

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, let the HAND of the ALMIGHTY that controls depths, heights, vast seas and lands, shepherd our lives and destinies securely, in Jesus’ name.
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