“HARDEN not your HEART, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness” – Psalm 95:8
HARDENED HEARTS are inimical to LIFE and HEALTH: “HARDEN not your HEART, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness” (Psa.95:8). The children of Israel “provoked” or “tempted” God, and contended with Moses at Massah and Meribah in the wilderness, where they demanded for and were given water out of the rock (Exo.17:2-7). Their descendants were therefore warned not to follow the hard-heartedness of their forefathers. The Psalm opens with a spontaneous Call to Worship: To shout joyfully and triumphantly (vv. 1-2); to thankfully enter God’s Presence (v 2); to worship, to bow down and kneel before God (v.6); and to listen to His voice (v.7). Behind these actions is the realization of God’s Greatness, Goodness, and Grace in allowing us to be part of His flock (v.7).
Verses 8-11 comprise the Lord’s call upon His people – “the sheep of His hand” – to not harden their hearts, but to hear, hearken, and yield to His Voice. If we call Him Lord and Master, then we must be His willing and obedient people. Hardness of heart is at the bottom of all distrust of the Lord. The Heart is the hub of human personality. Thoughts and reasoning (Mk.2:8; Heb.4:12); desires (Mt.5:28); understanding (Isa.6:10; Mt.13:15); Joy (Eph. 5:19); and Faith (Heb.3:12; Rom. 10:10; Mk. 11:23), are all products of the heart. The heart is also a repository for good and evil; and what comes out of our mouth – good or bad – begins in the heart (Lk. 6:43-45).
A hardened heart is insensitive to sin, disobedient to divine instructions and the Voice of the Holy Spirit, is easily offended, resentful, and lacks ability to forgive. Continual and unrepentant sin further hardens the heart. Christ has given us provisions for repentance and confession (1Jh.1:9). However, if we don’t confess our sins, they have a cumulative, desensitizing effect on the conscience, making it difficult to even distinguish right from wrong. A sinful and hardened heart is tantamount to a “seared conscience” (1Tim.4:1-2). Those who continue to engage in sin will ultimately be given over to their “debased mind” to fulfil the lusts of their hardened hearts (Rom.1:24-28).
Pride also hardens the heart: “The pride of your heart has deceived you…you who say in your HEART, ‘Who will bring me down to the ground?’ “…I will bring you down,” says the LORD” (Oba.1: 3-4). Pride was the root of Pharaoh’s hard-heartedness, despite vivid proofs of God’s Power (Exo.8:32). For King Nebuchadnezzar, his “heart was lifted up, and his spirit was hardened with pride, he was deposed from his kingly throne and they took his glory from him…till he knew that the Most High God rules in the kingdom of men…” (Dan.5:20-21).
When Sin and Pride are dealt with, hardened hearts are softened to receive God’s gifts of healing and health. Arrogance of heart almost cost the Syrian General, Naaman his healing. Namaan had an ailment beyond physical leprosy – Pride that deadened his conscience! His leprosy of pride had to be tackled before the outer leprosy could be removed (2Kings 5). Lesson: Humility of heart could enhance healing.
Before Jesus healed the paralytic who was carried by his friends, He told the man, his sins were forgiven (Mt.9: 1-8; Mk.2:1-12; Lk.5:17-26). Matthew 9:2 reports: “Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you.” In verse 8, “He said to the paralytic, “Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.” The Lord healed the heart before healing the body. In all three accounts, the Lord is also reported to have discerned the hearts of the opposing scribes: “Why do you think evil in YOUR HEARTS?” (Mt.9:4b). God is sovereign and can heal whichever way He chooses, but the strong lesson here is that HEART HEALTH is vital to Physical HEALING and Sound HEALTH.
Genuine Worship of God is the cure for a hardening spiritual heart. Pride causes the hardening of hearts; genuine worship removes pride. Pride makes worship about us, while genuine worship is about Him. God-focused worship is the path to a Tender Heart and Healthy Life.
Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)
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"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 3:18).
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