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Saturday, July 1, 2023
Bible Meditation: 
Romans 15: 1-13

Now may the GOD of HOPE fill you with ALL JOY and PEACE in believing, that you may abound in HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit  Romans 15:13

Beloved, Welcome to our July of HOPE, JOY, and PEACE in GOD’S WORD: Now may the GOD of HOPE fill you with ALL JOY and PEACE in believing, that you may abound in HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom.15:13). Paul had highlighted the importance of Scriptures in producing HOPE in the Believer: “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the SCRIPTURES might have HOPE” (v.4). He enjoined the strong in faith to accommodate the weak (vv.1-2). After all, Christ our Model didn’t come to earth to please Himself or demand His rights (v.3). Therefore, instead of engaging in conflict over issues of practice, we should welcome each other as Christ welcomed us, and live together in harmony, glorifying God with one voice (vv.7-12).

In concluding this train of thoughts, Paul prayed that the GOD of HOPE would FILL His people with JOY and PEACE that would never cease – Joy and Peace that will flow in and through our lives, seeping into every area. God is able to fill us with joy and peace as we believe and trust in Him. God does not dish out this overflowing joy and peace to just anyone who wants it. He has reserved this tangible evidence of His Love for those who trust and believing in Him. Those who have placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ can cling to Paul’s prayer with anticipation and encouragement, and have Hope, even in the direst and most difficult circumstances.

Like the shifting seasons, we could find ourselves in a valley of despondency. Sometimes we are able to rebound quickly; at other times we are left with lingering feelings of despair. And when our life’s circumstances prompt discouragement to link arms with the past, it can feel impossible to overcome, as we find ourselves plunging deep into hopelessness. But, the revelation of Romans 15:13 can make the difference!

GOD is the Giver of HOPE. He is the Answer to hopelessness! In the Greek, Hope means Expectation of what is sure. This means that God is the God of what we can be sure of. He is not peddling false hope and shallow words of encouragement. Whereas life, people, and outcomes are all unpredictable, God can be trusted. He offers Words of Life that can rescue from despair and pull one out of hopelessness.

It’s a waste of divine resources to have the promise of overflowing Joy and Peace and not partake of it because of a refusal to trust in God. By placing our trust in Him we’re privileged to enjoy an uneven exchange: Our despair in exchange for His overflowing Joy, Peace and Hope. We do not have to live discouraged or be perpetually stuck in a pit of hopelessness. We can know Hope through the Power of the Holy Spirit.

It’s important to note that this impartation of Hope requires the Power of the Holy Spirit. We do not have to try and make ourselves hopeful or conjure up fake joy. Through His Word and the Power of His Spirit, God imparts Hope to us. The third Person of the Godhead makes this Hope transfer possible, enabling us to overflow with hope.

Beloved, what challenging situations are you currently facing? As we express our gratitude to God for seeing us into the second half of the Year of Living by God’s Word, believe the truth of Romans 15:13. God has the gift of Hope for you in the midst of the seasons of despondency you may be passing through. Believe His Word. Trust in Him; and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with Hope, Joy, Peace, and more Hope!

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, as we trust in You, fill us with abounding HOPE, JOY and PEACE in YOUR WORD and by the Power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
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"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
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