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Sunday, October 6, 2024
Bible Meditation: 
Proverbs 4: 1-10

“Hear, my children, the INSTRUCTION of a FATHER, and give attention to know understanding” – Proverbs 4:1

Fathers play foundational roles in reflecting LIGHT for HARMONIOUS HOMES: “Hear, my children, the INSTRUCTION of a FATHER, and give attention to know understanding” (Pro.4:1). The father is the Authority Figure in the harmonious home, ordained to exemplify God and His Word – diligently, incisively, repeatedly, pervasively, and personally (Dt.6:2-7). Where there's no model, there's a vacuum, and it will be readily filled. If fathers are absent to raise the children, or transfer the responsibility to the school, peers, church, or sports coach, Satan will.

God chose to relate to humanity as Father, not as a benevolent dictator, boss, or taskmaster. Jesus taught His disciples to address God as Father (Mt.6:9; Lk.11:2). His love for us is as that of a caring father: “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him” (Psa.103:13, NIV). Our heavenly Father knows, cares about, and meets all our needs (Mt.6:32). The Apostles referred to God as our Father (1Cor.8:6; 2Cor.1:2-4, Eph. 3:14-15, 4:6). The Lord Himself offers to fill the role of absent or departed fathers (Psa.68:5).

God has given worth and special honour to fathers throughout history. Abram’s name was changed to Abraham: “I have made you a father of many nations (Gen.17:5); inferring that fatherhood has a place of honour in God’s eyes and in nationhood. The father’s role is also trans-generational! Abraham modelled this, as the Lord testified of him: “For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the Lord...” (Gen.18:19a). Fathers denote strength, protection, and provision.

The authentic father is not a mere baby-maker of “biological sprinkler”! Father is the God-given Head of the family: responsible, sacrificial, selfless, and faithful. Every child has intrinsic needs to be loved, cherished, instructed, guided, guarded, protected, provided for, and valued. Fatherhood is a God-given privilege, accompanied by the power to impact lives and perpetuate legacies. Exercised responsibly for good, that power can lead to God’s blessing on many generations. Here are Five Scriptural Figures of the Father in the Harmonious Home:

Portrait: Mentor and Model; he portrays a positive influence that points to the Heavenly Father; leader of the family – his Team; head of his Home; and Commander of his Troop. There’s no room for reluctance or irresponsibility, being the enemy’s chief target (Dt.6:2-7; Psa.127).

Producer: Children not only expect a responsible father, they deserve one (1Tim.3:4-5).

Provider: Shepherd – meets spiritual, love, mental, care, physical needs (Mt.7:9-11; Lk.7:11); shows compassion and love (Lk.15:20-23). True fathers do not cast away or reject their children (Jh.6:37; Heb.13:5b).

Protector: Carries, directs, guides, guards (Dt.1:29-31). When fathers neglect their duty or are absent, families are attacked by predators.

Perfecter: Agent of Nurturing and Maturation through Training, Instruction, Communication, Discipline; therefore available, accessible, and approachable for proactive, open, honest, wise, wholesome communication (Pro.3:11-12; 19:18; 22:6; 23:22; Eph.6:4; Heb.12:7-8).

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, equip fathers to reflect LIGHT for HARMONIOUS HOMES as positive portraits, producers, providers, and protectors, in Jesus’ name.
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