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Monday, January 3, 2022
Bible Meditation: 
Psalm 63:1-11

O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; My soul THIRSTS for You; my flesh LONGS for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water – Psalm 63:1

The reality of the Blessed Life begins with LONGING FOR GOD’S HEART: O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; My soul THIRSTS for You; my flesh LONGS for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, to see Your power and Your glory” (Psa.63:1-2). The heart of Psalm 63 is a longing for God’s Heart! In these words, “early will I seek You” or “earnestly I seek You,” the psalmist was exposing his thirsty and longing heart. He was not asking God for health for himself or his children or for extra income or a happier marriage, as legitimate as these are. His focus was on his relationship with God as he reflected on God in the dark of the night!

Our Father in Heaven will be greatly delighted if we show this kind of longing for His Heart as clearly as the psalmist did. God wants us to seek Him and have a loving bond with Him, as David did. It’s inspiring to watch people’s passion and dedication in pursuing their dreams. We’ve seen students who display total commitment to graduate in record time and with the best grades in Uniiversity degrees. Some have worked diligently simply to accumulate enough funds to purchase a dream car or mansion. Others have broken records in sports events through passionate practice. While it can be good to earnestly long for and seek something of earthly value, longing for God’s Heart is the more important kind of seeking that we must consider. When we know the arid turf that we call earthly life, we’re better prepared to pursue the things of real value. As our souls thirst for God, we will then also drink of the waters of life.

David used the word “thirst to describe this passion for God’s Heart (v.1). His deep spiritual thirst could only be satisfied in God’s Presence. He remembered meeting with God in His “sanctuary” (v.2), experiencing His all-conquering love (v.3), and praising Him day after day – finding true satisfaction in Him that’s not unlike enjoying a full and satisfying meal (vv. 4-5). Even during the night he contemplated God’s greatness, recognizing His help and protection (vv. 6-7). Similarly, the apostle Paul likened his dedicated pursuit of God to a spirited race (1 Cor. 9:24). Today, the Holy Spirit is urging us to earnestly seek after God. As we cling to Him, in power and love, God holds us up with His strong right hand. By the leading of the Spirit, we can draw close to the Maker of all good things.

When we long after God with our heart and mind, we will find our soul becoming satisfied. A vital practical step is to spend time in God’s Word. Making time to read and meditate on Scripture is essential for every believer. That’s how we learn who God is, how He works, and what He desires for us and the Body of Christ. When we strive to know and understand the Word of God, the Holy Spirit will make the meaning spring to life. Dedicating time to knowing and experiencing God is a critical step toward a satisfying walk with Him. Let’s begin today by making a pledge to pursue Him more diligently and making time in our schedule for regular study and prayer. Our heavenly Father is waiting to meet with us. As David cried out to God in desperation, God drew close to the weary king.

Depending on our level of faith and where we are in our spiritual journey, we’re often less "thirsty" for God when we’re physically well and things are moving fine. At such times the tendency is for our longing for God’s Heart to wane, except the desire is deliberately nurtured. It is usually in life’s “dry and thirsty land where there is no water” that our longing for God’s Heart is best cultivated.

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, guide us to cultivate a thirst for You in this dry and weary world; and satisfy our deep LONGING for YOUR HEART, in Jesus’ name.
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"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
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