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Saturday, July 4, 2015
Bible Meditation: 
Revelation 3:14-20

Behold, I STAND AT THE DOOR and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me – Revelations 3:20

Doors represent access or entry for someone or something. Doors are as significant as the Personalities that are able to access them. Not everyone can be permitted to access certain doors. Mere men cannot freely enter through royal doors into the courts of Kings. Only the noble are permitted through the doors of power and prominence.

It is humbling to know that the King of kings and Lord of lords desires to gain access into our hearts, homes, marriages, families, businesses, organizations, and churches; but so does the devil and his agents. Moreover, wherever the devil had entered and occupied, the Lord is determined to come in, take over and begin to reign.

It is time to ponder on the question: who is stationed at the door of your heart and life? In the Old Testament days, there were “keepers of the door” in the temple and in the palaces (2 Kgs. 23:4; Est.6:2). In the same way, the Bible enjoins that you “keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life” (Pro.4:23). Satan and his agents want to invade your destiny, just like the serpent invaded the peace and serenity of Eden. You must deny the devil and his cohorts entry, and grant access only to the Lord as He stands and seeks entry into your life’s affairs. No serpent will invade the doors of your life in; no satanic entity will intrude into your domain in Jesus name.

It is ironic that this word of hope in Revelations 3:20 was sent to a church, which among the seven churches in Asia received about the most severe rebuke from the Lord. Perhaps the Laodecian church had granted entry and given place to the devil and thus become lukewarm – ready to be spued out of the Lord’s mouth (Rev.3:16)! Hidden within God’s judgement therefore, was the counsel to this lukewarm, wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked church: to receive the gold of eternal truth and unfeigned faith, in order to be rich; the white raiment of righteousness that they might be clothed; and eye salve of spiritual enlightenment that they might see. The Lord’s loving Heart was resident even in His rebuke: As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten… (Rev.3:18-19; Heb.12:5-8). The door which had admitted the devil was now being given the opportunity to receive Christ.

It is on this same platform of the call to repentance and assurance of forgiveness, that the Lord extends the invitation to even the worst of sinners to open their hearts unto Him! Deep down in the heart of every human being is a little knock that reassures that there is a God and that we must know Him intimately as Lord, Saviour, Father, and Friend!

The Lord is at the door. Let Him in. let Him be the Keeper of the door and of your Life and all that pertains to it. Whatever He keeps is safe and secure for all of time and eternity – free from Satan’s onslaughts, intrusions and invasions.

 Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, I’ve admitted you into my heart and life as Master and King. No serpent of sin or deception will invade the doors of my life; no satanic entity will intrude into my domain in Jesus name!
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"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
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