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Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Bible Meditation: 
Romans 5: 1-21

Therefore being justified by faith, we have PEACE WITH GOD through our Lord Jesus Christ – Romans 5:1

Peace WITH God is the ENTRY LEVEL on the pathway of peace. This is the beginning of perfect peace: Being saved from your sins through repentance and the cleansing power of the Blood of Jesus. By virtue of the finished work of Christ on Calvary’s cross, whosoever wills can enter by faith into this platform of peace with God.

At this level, mercy pardons us, while grace justifies us. Mercy is not receiving what we do deserve. Grace is receiving what we do not deserve. We deserved end up in hell, but by His mercy we shall never go there. We do not deserve to go to heaven, but by His grace we’ll spend eternity with God in heaven, having been reconciled with God. Christ’s death was enough to pardon us in mercy, but it took the resurrection to manifest our justification by grace.

Sin made us enemies of God (vs.10), but Jesus’ coming to this earth and dying on the cross turned away God’s anger and wrath. We can now be reconciled with Him. Having put right our relationship with God, Jesus now enables us to work at breaking down the barriers between us and others. Wesley sang: “Hark the herald angels sing, “Glory to the newborn King; Peace on earth, and mercy mild – God and sinners reconciled!”

Isaiah 53:5 announced that “the chastisement of OUR PEACE was upon Him….” Salvation places you upon right standing with God. You become “the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus” (2Cor.5:21). Standing firm on this first level of Peace prepares and leads you to the second level, where righteousness is allowed to do its work of peace.

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Dear Lord, help me to never deviate from the pathway of Peace with God in Jesus name.
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