“I have fought the good fight, I have FINISHED the race, I have kept the faith” – 2 Timothy 4:7
With grateful hearts, let’s climax our Prophetic Voyage in this Year of Divine Perfections musing on PERFECT FINISHING: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim.4:7). God was the First Finisher: “Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished” (Gen.2:1). Jesus was a Finisher: “He said, “It is finished!” (Jh.19:30b). Starting well is relatively easy. Finishing well is a different matter! This is true of the Christian life. In a world that is hostile towards God and His people, hanging in over the long haul is the real test. The Christian life is a marathon, not a 100 metres dash. Genuine faith in Christ perseveres to the finish line. Let’s learn from Paul who finished his marathon well!
Paul was in solitary confinement in a dungeon. The conditions outside were discouraging. Some disciples were turning away from his message, and even from the faith, following false teachers. His labour of three decades plus, preaching the gospel around the Roman Empire appeared wasted. Yet, his reassuring words were not those of a depressed, broken old man. There was no despair, defeat, cynicism, or fear of death. He was clearly at rest, confident in how he had spent his life. His words captured his present, past, and future views and the secrets of Perfect Finishing!
The present – “For I am already being poured…” (v.6a). Paul could finish well because he saw his ministry as reproduction, his life as a sacrifice, and his imminent death as departure. He had reproduced himself in others; hence his joyful attitude even while in chains. Transiting is easier when faithful disciples can sustain the mission. This begins at home as Christian parents nurture their children to know Christ and walk with Him. Beyond immediate families, godly people learn to disciple younger ones in the faith (2Tim.2:2-5). Paul saw his life as an expendable drink offering to God, and his looming execution as the capping offering of a sacrificial life (Acts 20:24). He did not serve for praise and acclaim, but as act of worship to God.
Paul viewed his impending death as a departure! To Believers, death is not cessation of life. It is a separation of the soul from the body; a release from the bonds of the corruptible body; and the end of earthly labours and toils. It is like: unyoking an animal from a cart; loosening the mooring ropes of a ship; or loosening the bonds of a prisoner. At death, the battle is over; victory is won, and the saint heads home. It takes such victorious view to finish without fear and even with anticipation, knowing that to live is Christ and to die is gain (Phi.1:21,23).
The past – “I have…” (v.7). Paul looked back on his past and declared confidently that he had done well. He fought the good fight of faith, finished his course, and kept the faith! The Christian life is not a picnic (Acts 14:22). It is a battle against evil forces. But it is a good fight for the cause of the gospel, the glory of God and the salvation of souls. No marathon is easy; some begin the race with a flourish of activity and enthusiasm, but drop off at junctions of trials. Paul did all He was called to do. Moreover, He “kept the faith,” guarding the deposits of truth entrusted to him (1Tim.6:20; 2Tim.1:12-14).
The future – “Finally, there is….” (v.8). Paul could finish well in spite of his gloomy circumstances because he had secure, expectant hope: to meet the Lord, the righteous Judge; and to be rewarded with crowns meant for Victors (Rom.14:10; 1Cor.9:24-25; 2Cor.5:10; 2Tim.2:5). Although, his earthly judge – the evil Nero – had wrongly condemned him, Paul knew that the righteous Judge would ultimately vindicate him!
Beloved, however dismal your situations have been in the passing years, you have no reason to drop out of life’s race! The Voice of the Holy Spirit, through the ancient apostle calls out: “Don’t quit! Keep going! You will finish well and strong!”
Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)
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The vision of KCOM is that:
"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 3:18).
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