He has declared to His people the POWER of HIS WORKS, in giving them the heritage of the nations – Psalm 111:6
God’s POWER as in the DAYS OF OLD still exists. Faith enables us to move beyond the natural and to tap into God’s Supernatural Power. And Faith comes by hearing the word of God (Rom.10:17). Here is a catalogue of some of the numerous miracles and wonders that demonstrate “the POWER of HIS WORKS” in the Old Testament:
God preserved Noah’s family and animals from destruction by the great flood (Gen.6-9). He remains the Preserver of destinies.
God blessed Abraham and Sarah with the son of promise, against contrary biological evidences (Gen.21:1-3). The Lord will suspend the laws of nature to fulfil His covenant promises to His beloved.
God destroyed the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, with fire from heaven (Gen.19:24-25). He is still the fiery Judge!
God protected the infant Moses from Pharaoh’s plot to kill Israel’s firstborn sons (Exo.12). He still protects His chosen ones!
God called Moses from a bush that burned without being consumed (Exo.3). He is still calling His ministers in fiery manners!
God turned Aaron’s rod into a serpent which swallowed the rods of Pharaoh’s magicians (Exo.7:10-12). God will always manifest the superiority of miracles over the devil’s counterfeit magic.
God turned the Nile River into blood, and caused other plagues such as those of frogs, lice, flies, boils, and locusts, so the Egyptians would know that He is the true God (Exo.7-10). He will show Himself strong and mighty against every wicked adversary!
God parted the Red Sea for Israel to pass safely through on dry ground, but swallowed Pharaoh’s pursuing hosts (Exo.13-14). God can use Instruments of deliverance of His people as weapons of destruction against our wicked pursuers!
God caused manna to descend from heaven daily, for the Israelites to eat in the wilderness (Exo.16: 1-24). The Lord will supply our daily provisions according to His riches in glory.
God drew water from a rock to quench the thirst of His people in the wilderness (Exo.17:6; Num.20:8-12). He will satiate our thirst and hunger through the dreary deserts of life.
God destroyed the walls of Jericho for Israel to conquer the city (Jos.6). He will break down barriers that stand against our progress and fulfilment in life.
God caused earthquakes to overthrow and expel the enemies of His people, the Philistines (1Sam.14:15-23). He will do whatever is required to defeat and drive off our enemies.
God enabled a young shepherd, David, to kill a Philistine giant, Goliath, with only a sling and a stone (1Sam.17). By faith in His power, God will bring down every ‘Goliath’ standing as a threat against our destinies.
God preserved the widow of Zarephath and her son by multiplying her little oil and flour, as she shared with God’s servant in her poverty (1Kgs.17:8-15). As we give God our best, He’ll multiply our little into abundance.
God sent fire from heaven to consume Elijah’s water-drenched sacrifice on Mount Carmel (1Kgs.18:16-40). God is ever-ready to manifest in our lives as the true God “that answers by fire”!
God caused a three-year drought due to King Ahab’s idolatory and wickedness, and released rain afresh in response to Elijah’s prayers (1Kgs.16-18). The Lord will command and control even the forces of nature to fulfil His purposes in our lives.
God healed Naaman, the Syrian army General, of leprosy through the prophet Elisha (2Kgs.5:1-19). The Lord still performs amazing miracles of healing for those who would draw near in humility and faith.
God caused an axe head to miraculously float on water so that it could be found (2Kgs.6:5-7). Whatever is of value in our lives that was lost or buried shall be rediscovered!
God preserved Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego unharmed in a fiery furnace (Dan.3). His Power neutralises the power of fires from harming His beloved.
God kept Daniel safe in the lion’s den (Dan.6:10-23). He will tame ‘lions’ that were meant to maul our destinies into harmless friends.
God’s Power as of old is still the same today. He will work wonders in our dispensation if we will not limit Him by our unbelief!
Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)
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The vision of KCOM is that:
"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 3:18).
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