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Sunday, September 17, 2017
Bible Meditation: 
Habakkuk 3: 1-19

Before Him went the pestilence, and burning coals went forth at His feet Habakkuk 3:5

“…Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness…” (Psa.91:6b). Verse 3 spoke of perilous pestilence; verse 6 of a walking pestilence. Pestilences manifest in diverse manners: some fierce, ferocious, vicious, and violent; others elusive, subtle, mysterious, yet devastating. There are the stormy pestilences of hurricanes and wars; as well as graveyard pestilences of sin, sickness, contagious diseases, and poverty. The LORD defends His own not only from boisterous, noisome, perilous, and flying pestilences, but also from the seemingly strolling, but deadly, walking pestilences. This is possible because God Himself is the permanent Possessor of pestilences (Hab.3:5). Satan only has temporary counterfeits to attack with.

The Greek root of the word ‘pestilence’ signifies “to speak and speak out”! Pestilence is a speaking thing. When it proceeds from God, it proclaims His wrath among a people. The Hebrew rook signifies “to destroy, to cut off” or “to spread, spoil, rush upon.” A plague is that form of pestilence that smites suddenly and wounds mortally. Essentially, pestilence is a messenger of woes; it brings a multitude of woes to any place or person it comes unto; it an emissary of woeful fears, sorrows, pains, terrors, and death itself. May pestilence and plague never have cause to know or visit your dwelling place in Jesus name!

What does it mean for pestilences to “walk in darkness”? They camouflage calamity under the cloak of darkness. They are shrouded in mystery as to their cause and cure. They silently permeate to plunder and slay with hidden weapons, like an enemy stabbing in the dark. Pestilences of the spirits of sexual perversions, divorce, corruption, and incurable diseases trick humanity in disguises of modernity. Like cancerous invasions, they eat deeply and dangerously into the core and nucleus of society, into the fabric and flesh of families, and into the heart of humanity, doing damage to vital organs and consuming the essences of life. Natural bulwarks, ramparts, and walls cannot prevent such pestilences, but the Almighty God can!

Only He who is a Spirit and the Origin of all spirits can protect you from evil spirits. He who is Mystery personified will rescue you from mysterious dangers and miseries. Only He who is Immortal can redeem you from mortal plagues and pestilences. The thrice Holy One will preserve you from the pestilence of sin. The God of Truth will keep you safe from the deadly pestilence of perversion and error. Jehovah-Rapha will secure your spirit, soul and body against the pestilence of disease. The Faithful God will garrison your faith to maintain immunity against every calamity. Cloaked in Christ – the Anointed One – rather than bow to pervading pestilences, you’ll prevail over them, matching victoriously in calm serenity. Alleluia!

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, empower me to continually and mightily prevail over every pestilence that walks in darkness, in Jesus name.
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The vision of KCOM is that:
"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 3:18).

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