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Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Bible Meditation: 
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8

“What practical steps can be taken to safeguard the securing of sufficient time for prayer?

Study Priorities. Much time which is not actually wasted, is spent on things of only secondary importance. A fool has been described as a man who has missed the proportion of things. Some of us have the unfortunate habit of being so engrossed in the secondary that we have no time left for the primary. We give such undue attention to petty details that matters of major importance are squeezed out. Especially is this the case where prayer is concerned, and our adversary will do all in his power to aid and abet. Check to see whether the essentially spiritual is receiving adequate time, or whether the best is being relegated to a secondary place by that which is good.

Our Lord indicated that the secret of successful living was to sacrifice the pearl of inferior value for the pearl of transcendent worth. Are you doing the most important things, or do you procrastinate, substituting the secondary which makes less stringent demands on you? Weigh up carefully the respective values of the opportunities and responsibilities which claim your attention. Omit altogether, or give a very minor place to things of little importance. John Wesley used to say, “Never be unemployed, and never be triflingly employed.”

The Impelling Motive…The use of time depends largely on the pressure of motive. Are there motives sufficiently compelling to enable us to change the pattern of our lives, to run counter to long-indulged habits of laxity in the use of time?…The driving force in the life of our Lord was revealed in one of His incidental sayings, “I do always those things that please Him.” And for Him there were always twelve hours in the day. There might not always be time to eat, but always He made time to pray. There will always be time for everything that is within the will of God.”

 J. Oswald Sanders
 Excerpt from: Effective Prayer, pp. 29-31

Lord, grant me the grace and wisdom to maximize time and life!
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