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Sunday, October 20, 2019
Bible Meditation: 
Numbers 6: 22-27

“The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and GIVE YOU PEACE” – Numbers 6:26

God’s Will for His people at all times and in all situations is SHALOM – PEACE: “The LORD will give strength to His people; the LORD will  bless His people with PEACE” (Psa.29:11). The Lord Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace (Isa.9:6). And He assures us in the New Covenant: “PEACE I leave with you, MY PEACE I give to you: not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (Jh.14:27). Again, “These things I have spoken to you, that IN ME you may have PEACE. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (Jh. 16:33). When the Lord met His disciples after the resurrection, he continually said to them, “PEACE” (Jh.20: 19,21,26). The Lord Jesus is the Possessor, Source, and Sustainer of Shalom! He died and rose to guarantee our enjoyment of Shalom!

The Hebrew word for PEACE – SHALOM – is often used as a cordial greeting or friendly farewell. Shalom however has a deeper, richer meaning than what ‘peace’ means in English, in the sense of cessation of hostility. Shalom is not just the absence of war, conflict or strife. The root thought of this word is: to complete, to perfect or to make full; to be sound, to be preserved, to enter into a state of wholeness, unity or restored relationship. Shalom is like Joseph's “coat of many colours” (Gen.37:3). It involves the masterful interweaving of wholeness, well-being, prosperity, security, contentment, completeness, harmony, health, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquillity, fullness, rest, a state of calm free from anxiety, a quietness of one's soul; and absence of agitation, aggravation or discord! In summary, Shalom is the sum of all God's blessings which in turn produces a sense of wellbeing in every aspect of life.

SHALOM means wholeness, completeness, harmony, fulfilment, and perfection. This is what God has made available to us on the basis of the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Shalom is not only spiritual and inward; its total wholeness – spirit, soul, and body. By His wounds we were healed: physical healing is offered to us through the physical suffering of Jesus. He also bore our transgressions, and was punished for our iniquities that we might have this inner peace (Isa.53:4-5). Shalom sums up the wholeness, completeness, and harmony that derive from us being reconciled with God, with our fellow believers, and with all humankind. Shalom is a deep settled inner peace of heart and mind; a condition of harmony also that makes for physical health. The Lord wants us to live in His Shalom all life long – in completeness, wholeness, and harmony!

Shalom is everything which makes for our highest good: the symphony of life made meaningful through a right relationship with God. Biblical peace is unrelated to circumstances – it is a goodness of life and satisfaction of spirit and soul that is not touched by external happenings. Shalom is possible even in the midst of great trials. King David, despite his myriad troubles and trials affirmed: “I will both lie down in PEACE, and sleep; for You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety” (Psa.4:8). There is no reason for us to postpone the possibility of experiencing Shalom till after death, when the often voiced “prayer” – “Rest in Peace” (RIP) – will actually make no difference. Whatever your circumstances today; as you read and meditate on Shalom, I pray for you that “The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you PEACE (SHALOM)” (Num.6:26).

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Dear Lord, lift up Your countenance upon me; saturate my life – spirit, soul, and body – and surround me with SHALOM, in Jesus’ Name.
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