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Friday, February 24, 2023
Bible Meditation: 
Isaiah 66: 1-5

But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who TREMBLES at MY WORD” Isaiah 66:2

Another admirable attitude of the Believer in Christ is the deliberate choice and posture to TREMBLE at GOD’S WORD: “Thus says the Lord: “Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. Where is the house that you will build Me? And where is the place of My rest? For all those things My hand has made, and all those things exist,” says the Lord. “But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who TREMBLES at MY WORD” (Isa.66:1-2). God cherishes a humble spirit that trembles at His Word more than material riches.

Throughout the book of Isaiah, God expressed His frustration with His people Israel, because of their rebellious attitude: “I have stretched out My hands all day long to a rebellious people, who walk in a way that is not good, according to their own thoughts; a people who provoke Me to anger continually to My face; who sacrifice in gardens, and burn incense on altars of brick; who sit among the graves, and spend the night in the tombs; who eat swine's flesh, and the broth of abominable things is in their vessels; who say, 'Keep to yourself, do not come near me, for I am holier than you!' These are smoke in My nostrils, a fire that burns all the day” (Isaiah 65:2-5). Due to their defiant attitude towards His Word, God’s judgment was coming upon His people, just as He had warned them through His faithful prophets such as Isaiah.

However, God would spare those in Israel who had a “poor and contrite spirit” and trembled at His Word (vv.1-2). The prophet turned from the hypocrites to the persecuted remnant. Th these faithful souls He said, “Hear the word of the Lord, you who TREMBLE at HIS WORD: ‘Your brethren who hated you, who cast you out for My name's sake, said, “Let the Lord be glorified, that we may see your joy.” But they shall be ashamed.’ The sound of noise from the city! A voice from the temple! The voice of the Lord, who fully repays His enemies” (vv.5-6). The prophet spelt out the doom that shall befall those who mocked and taunted His true worshippers concerning their disposition to God.

God expects us to profoundly respect His Word and never treat it lightly. Ultimately, we shall be judged based on whether or not we followed His Word: “And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books” (Rev.20:12). Jesus said, “He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him – the WORD that I have spoken will judge him in the last day” (John 12:48). Let’s ask ourselves: “Do I tremble at God’s Word or do I treat it lightly? Does it bother me when those around me rebel at God’s Word or have I become comfortable and cozy with the sinful behavior of others?”

The psalmist displayed a humble attitude of trembling at God’s Word: “My flesh trembles for fear of You, and I am afraid of Your judgments… Rivers of water run down from my eyes, because men do not keep Your law… I see the treacherous, and am disgusted, because they do not keep Your word” (Psa.119: 120, 136, 158). Of course, we’re not called to spend all of our time in judgment of others. God is the Ultimate Judge! However, our hearts need to be pricked when we see God’s Word not being heeded, not only by others, but especially by ourselves.

We are blessed to live in an age where we can have our own copy of the Scriptures. Let’s rejoice in the guidance God gives us through His Word. As we study the Bible and God’s messages to us, let’s imbibe the attitude of trembling at His Word and attracting divine attention!

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, help us to cultivate humble and contrite spirits and attract divine attention by an attitude that TREMBLES at YOUR WORD, in Jesus’ name.
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