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Monday, July 22, 2024
Bible Meditation: 
Psalm 106: 1-15

“Our fathers in Egypt did not UNDERSTAND YOUR WONDERS...” Psalm 106:7

Forgetting His mercies and walking in rebellion are the likely results of not UNDERSTANDING GOD’S WONDERS: “Our fathers in Egypt did not UNDERSTAND YOUR WONDERS; they did not remember the multitude of Your mercies, but rebelled by the sea – the Red Sea” (Psa.106:7). Psalm 106, a psalm of historical recital, tells the familiar story of Israel, accenting the Exodus narrative and the ensuing covenant with the Lord. It focuses on Israel's past failures and repeated episodes of disobedience, juxtaposed with God’s generous grace. It begins with a Call to Worship (v.1a), followed by Thanksgiving and a Blessing on the Righteous (vv.1b-3), Prayer for Forgiveness of Sin (vv.4-5); and the Prayer for Salvation. Israel rebelled (vv.7-12) and tempted God (vv.13-15) despite His Wonders, because they lacked Understanding.

Wonders are miracles, marvels, or acts of awe and amazement which spring from God’s direct and absolute power; things lying beyond the range of natural laws. We serve the God of Wonders. All about Him is wonderful. His wonderful works are everywhere! The Bible abounds with accounts of His mighty deeds performed for His people. All the works of God are wonderful, and they testify of Him alone as their Author.

God is the matchless Wonderworker. His works are all great in wonder even when they are not great in size. We behold His great wonders in the minute, microscopic objects, as well as in the vastness of the galaxies. All the works of His unrivalled skill are wrought by Him alone, unaided. No other entity helped the Lord in creation or in the redemption of His people: “For He has done marvellous things; His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory” (Psa.98:1). The Lord God does great wonders, without the help of anyone; whereas no one can do anything alone or without His help. Even when He uses men as vessels, the wonder of the work is His alone, not anyone else’s.

After Moses’ era, Joshua prepared God’s people’s for His Wonders: “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do WONDERS among you” (Jos.3:5b). If we are to understand God’s Wonders, our hearts must be prepared as we diligently meditate in His Word. No one can compare with God in His wonder-working ability! It is vital to our faith as Believers, that we become more intimate with the Merciful God of Great Wonders: To Him who alone does GREAT WONDERS, for HIS MERCY endures forever” (Psa.136:4). God’s Mercy commands His Wonders! To understand His mercy is to understand His Miracles.

Rather that tow the path of rebellion, we can pray and believe God for Understanding: “Open my eyes, that I may SEE WONDROUS things from Your law” (Psa.119:18). Our eyes can be opened and our hearts illuminated and transformed by the Wonders in His Word: I will remember the works of the Lord; surely I will remember Your wonders of old...You are the GOD WHO DOES WONDERS…” (Psa.77:11,14).

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Merciful God, open our eyes and illuminate our hearts by Your Word, with Grace for UNDERSTANDING YOUR WONDERS, in Jesus’ Name.
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