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Thursday, June 4, 2020
Bible Meditation: 
Romans 12: 1-21

“ transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and PERFECT WILL of GOD Romans 12:2b

To walk in perfection is to WALK IN GOD’S PERFECT WILL: And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and PERFECT WILL of GOD (Rom.12:2). We must ascertain the “good and acceptable and PERFECT WILL of GOD” in order to “stand perfect and complete in ALL the Will of God” (Col.4:12b). But, the knowledge of His Word precedes the understanding of His Will: “Your Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path” (Psa.119:105). God wants us to understand and walk in His Will: “See then that you WALK circumspectly, not as fools but as wise…Therefore do not be unwise, but UNDERSTAND what the WILL of the LORD is” (Eph.5:15,17; Col.1:9). The entire Romans 12 for example, gives instructions that constitute God’s Will for all believers.

God wants us to enjoy His very best as we know, understand and walk in His Perfect Will! But, first, we must present our bodies as a living sacrifice: …holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service” (v.1). This means, to commit our bodies to serve and obey God (Rom. 6:13). HOLY means set apart for His use; ACCEPTABLE means pleasing to Him; and REASONABLE suggests that such a gift is the only rational response to all the good gifts God has showered on us.

Next, we are to “not be conformed to this world” (v.2). Instead of being molded by the ideas and values of this world, the believer should be transformed – changed by the renewing of the mind. A mind distracted and enthusiastic to pursue the world and its concerns and fashions will produce a life tossed back and forth by the currents of culture and tides of trends. Whereas, a mind devoted to God’s truth will produce a life that can stand the test of time. We can resist the temptations of the times by meditating on God’s truth and letting the Holy Spirit guide and shape our thoughts and behaviour.

Jesus walked in the Father’s Will perfectly: “Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come – in the volume of the book it is written of me – to do YOUR WILL, O God” (Heb.10:7; see Jh.6:38). God desires that we also do His Will from the heart (Eph.6:6). We can walk in His perfect will for our lives as we follow Him in and through the Word. We can walk in His preordained paths. Once we recognise and yield to Him, His will is no longer a mystery. He illumines our hearts and paths to comprehend and apprehend His purposes for our lives, ensuring that we’re in His place, in His time, for His purpose, in His way, and for His Glory!

Many people are living amiss, far from the centre of God’s Will. However, God wants decisions about your career, business, relationships, ministry or location, to flow seamlessly. Nothing about your life should be outside His Will. When you yield to the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you, nothing happens to you or with you by chance: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (Rom.8:14). Nothing compares to living in God’s perfect will: walking in His prearranged path and precise plan and purpose for you at any given time.

You must spend time meditating on the Word and fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit. Only those whose lives are founded on the Rock of the Word, walking in step with God and in the Will of the Father, will stand in Dominion! And, if you perceive you’ve been out of His perfect will for your life, and as a result, things have been skewed, you can change now! God is big enough to change things for you or create a new and better beginning. Decide that going forward, you’ll allow the Holy Spirit the dominion and mastery in your life. He’ll lead and guide you to fulfil the Father’s Perfect Will and enjoy His very best!

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, train and transform me to know, understand and WALK IN YOUR PERFECT WILL and enjoy Your very best, in Jesus name.
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