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Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Bible Meditation: 
Isaiah 26: 1-12

“You will keep him in PERFECT PEACE, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You” – Isaiah 26:3

To walk in perfection is to WALK IN PERFECT PEACE: “You will keep him in PERFECT PEACE, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You” (Isa.26:3). This wonderful promise belongs to the steadfast mind and trusting heart. It was spoken in the darkest period of Israel’s history, and is fitting for our days, when humanity is encircled by uncertainty and gloom, and constantly threatened with terror, worry, and fear. We are not promised freedom from trouble while in this earthly tabernacle, but we have the promise of peace in turbulent times: LORD, You will establish peace for us…” (Isa.26:12a); “the work of righteousness will be peace…quietness and assurance forever” (Isa.32:17); “for you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace…” (Isa.55:12). Walking in Peace is holding to God’s Promises of Peace!

God is the Author and Giver of Perfect Peace: that freedom from inner turbulence and perfect harmony reigning within the soul, best described by the Hebrew word “Shalom”! Amidst the fiercest battles and severest storms, the trusting soul can experience inward peace, and calm, quiet confidence (Isa.30:15). To walk in perfect peace is to be spiritually healthy, free from all inner discord, and with no room for negativities such as envy, intolerance, jealousy, selfishness, pride, uncontrolled temper or wrath. It is like the great calm on the storm (Mk.4:39).

God’s Peace is perfect in quality, quantity, and constancy. It is different from the peace of ignorance, stagnation, and dependence that the world offers. The Lord Jesus says: “Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give to you; not as the world gives” (Jh. 14:27a). The world ignorantly says “’Peace, peace!’ When there is no peace” (Jer.6:14b). The stagnant pool may look calm and peaceful, but underneath is foul with slime. The world’s imperfect peace rests on transient things and fickle souls that fail or expire. Divine Peace is never lacking in supply to meet human needs. Someone calls it Double Peace which garrisons our mind and calms our heart (Phil.4:7). Also, perfect peace is constant and permanent, not intermittent: “Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep” (Psa.121:4).

Perfect Peace is ours only IN the Prince of Peace – Christ Jesus (Isa.9:6). Perfect Peace is the Lord Himself within us, not a mere experience, emotion, or make-belief. He is the Channel through whom peace flows into our souls (Jh.16:33). He “made peace through the blood of His cross” (Col.1:20a). This peace is then produced in our heart by the Holy Spirit who fills and floods our lives: “The kingdom of God is…righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Rom.14:17; Gal.5:22). But, we receive this peace daily through obedience to God’s Word: Great peace have those who love Your law: and nothing causes them to stumble (Psa.119:165).

Based on Philippians 4: 4-9, here are four Keys to finding inner peace and walking in Perfect Peace:

Adjust your focus: focus on God instead of your situation – the financial battles, material lack, failing health, tottering marriage or wobbling business. Then, you can “rejoice in the Lord always,” not because the problem has dissolved, but you know that God is on the Throne, in control of all circumstances, and involved in every detail (Phil.4:4a; Rom.8:28). You can count it all joy, not because trials bring Joy, but because of what God is doing in and for you through the trials (Jam.1:2).

Engage in Serving Others: “Let your gentleness be known to all men; the Lord is at hand” (Phil.4:5). Rather than reeling in self-pity and despair, rejoicing in the Lord moves you to share your heart of gentleness, kindness, and patience with others: “Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace…” (Rom.14:19); “Pursue peace with all people…” (Heb.12:14a).

Exchange Your Pain with His Peace: through prayer, praise, and positivity (Phil.4:6-8). Cast all cares (1Pet.5:8).

Never give up: and God will walk with you through the fire (Dan.3:25): “The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the GOD of PEACE will be with you” (Phil.4:9).

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Dear God of Peace, as my heart stays and trusts in You, lead me to WALK IN PERFECT PEACE, in Jesus name.
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