“More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb” – Psalm 19:10
Psalm 19 reveals the Riches and WONDERS OF GOD’S WORD: “More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb” (Psa.19:10). God communicates through nature is unceasing, understandable, and universal, but is unable to save, because Faith comes by hearing the Word (vv.1-6). More importantly, God communicates through His Word (vv.7-10). We respond by communicating to Him in prayer (vv.11-14). The Word of God is our prized possession and treasure of wonders. David used certain titles, related attributes and their effects, to portray significant wonders of God’s Word (vv.7-9). The titles are:
“The Law of the Lord is perfect” – complete and lacking nothing (v.7a): The “torah” is the body of instruction, comprising legislation, narrative, prophecy, and poetry. In the Law, all the issues of necessary truth had been revealed at least in seed form. For us, the canon is complete. God has spoken directly in His Son, His final Word (Heb.1: 1-3). God’s Word shows the way to eternal life and maps the course for daily life. The all-comprehensive message of God’s revelation converts the soul and addresses the needs of the entire man.
“The Testimony of the Lord is sure” (v.7b). His Self-attestation is dependable, reliable, and trustworthy. Whatever God says is true and worthy of belief. What God has revealed of Himself is not relative theory, make-believe, or figment of imagination. We must stand in wonder of His Revelation: a Personal God, the Creator and Sustainer of all, the Redeemer of His elect, the Judge of unrepentant sinners, and so much more! His reliable Word is that it makes “wise the simple.” Whatever we need, we can find answers in His Word: whether man’s basic needs, wisdom for the seeker, comfort for the sorrowful, rebuke and warning for the erring, and direction for the wayward.
“The Statutes of the Lord are right” (v.8a). These are the Precepts God has revealed from the vantage point of omniscience. He knows all that is knowable, both things actual and possible. He knows all simultaneously, macroscopically, and microscopically. God knows exactly what we need, and has recorded them in His Word. All He has spoken from divine oversight have emanated from His full knowledge of all our needs. There is not one wasted word in Scripture. Because God’s Word is “right” or straight, showing the right path to take, it rejoices the heart. Scripture has the power to bring contentment and satisfaction to our innermost being regardless of external circumstances.
“The Commandment of the Lord is pure” – clear, bright, radiant – “enlightening the eyes” (v.8b). It shines light on paths, giving clear directions to follow. God gives authoritative declarations, not suggestions or options. God means what He says, and it’s imperative to get His point, not what we want to hear! He speaks no floating messages that change with time or circumstance. Scripture is not filled with hidden codes designed to conceal the divine will, but with revelation to communicate that will to all – laymen and scholars alike.
“The fear of the Lord is clean” – refined, free from defilement, impurity, or defect – “enduring forever” (v. 9a). God allows Himself to be known, and to know Him as He reveals Himself to be, provokes an awareness that generates awe in our hearts and obedience in our walk. God’s Word is eternally settled in heaven and imperishable; the relevance of the Word is timeless and universal.
“The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether” – perfect (v. 9). The word “judgments” refers to the record of God’s decisions. The Bible is a casebook of the divine will. It sets the precedence for determining the proper actions in various situations. It is therefore to be consulted in making life’s decisions. God’s absolute, true, and completely righteous standards of doctrine and duty makes decisions that derive from His Word, perfect.
God’s Word is more desirable than gold (symbol of wealth) or honey (symbol of pleasure), and is greatly rewarding (vv.10-11). No possession is of any greater value or virtue. God’s Word has uncommon worth.
Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)
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The vision of KCOM is that:
"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 3:18).
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