“And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance” – Genesis 45:7
Purpose is reason for being; while VISION is the BIGGER PICTURE of PURPOSE: “And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance” (Gen.45:7). That was Joseph’s life’s Purpose stated in retrospect! Joseph kept the Bigger Picture in sight: from the silence of the pit, to slavery in Potiphar’s house, and the season of patience in prison, he ascended to the Palace of Manifestation. Despite all of his trials and troubles, we do not read anywhere that Joseph was angry or depressed about his situation. He went from being his father’s favourite son, with a privileged place in the family, to being in a prisoner in Egypt. From the time that he obeyed his father’s request to go and visit his brothers who were tending the herds in the fields, his life seemingly spiralled out of control.
All through his journey of faith, Joseph could have become bitter about his situation. Instead he chose to look at the bigger picture – his Vision. He chose joy over being disgruntled. He held on to the childhood dreams. He knew that God had a plan. It is not easy when you’re in the midst of the battle to see the wood for the trees. Hebrews 12:2 admonishes us to keep our eyes firmly fixed upon Jesus, “the Author and Finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Jesus endured joyfully because He kept His eyes on the Bigger Picture! What’s the Bigger Picture you’re keeping your eyes on?
For men and women down the ages who have served God at great personal cost, there has always been a Bigger Picture. Based on his childhood dreams, Joseph must have thought that the zenith of his life’s purpose was to attain the exalted leadership position that he had been thrust into as Governor in Egypt. But he found out that there was more – a picture bigger and more far-reaching: “to preserve a posterity in the earth” (v.7). God always sees the bigger picture even when we see and know in part. As we walk with Him, we would see the same. For every fulfilled dream there is the bigger picture. In Joseph’s case, God used him to preserve Jacob’s family who were to become Israel. He was to use Israel to reveal Himself to the nations of the world through the Scriptures but more importantly to bring salvation to the world through His Son Jesus.
Joseph understood a bit of the bigger picture – the preservation of life – but obviously not all of it: “And Joseph said to his brothers, “Please come near to me.” So they came near. Then he said: “I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt. But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God SENT ME before you to preserve life…And GOD SENT ME before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it was not you that sent me here, but God: and He has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt” (Gen.45:4-5,7-8).
Joseph was hated by his brothers, but he didn’t let this conquer him. He was sold into slavery, but thrived in the house of his master. He was falsely-accused and thrown in prison but never became bitter. Overnight he was elevated from dungeon to distinction, but that didn’t get to his head. He simply shined for God! We may sometimes see only a bit of God’s purpose but there is always more. Never forget – if you’re considering letting go of your dreams – that there is a lot at stake because there is always the Bigger Picture! Never allow anything that does not align with the Bigger Picture!
Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)
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The vision of KCOM is that:
"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 3:18).
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