“But Jesus answered them, “MY FATHER has been WORKING until now, and I HAVE BEEN WORKING” – John 5:17
Scriptures offer powerful insights into GOD’S WORK of REDEMPTION: “But Jesus answered them, “MY FATHER has been WORKING until now, and I HAVE BEEN WORKING” (Jh.5:17). To really know who God is, we ought to listen to what Christ says about His Father. After healing a man who had an infirmity of 38 years at the pool of Bethesda, the Jews confronted Jesus because He worked a miracle on the Sabbath and called God His Father. He answered by affirming Who He is and how He works for and with His Father. We may not be inclined to think of God as always working. We rather consider Him at ease. But He is ever at work directing the complex and enormous universe, as well as the details of every life and destiny!
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth in six days, and on the seventh day He rested from all His work of CREATION. However, man wilfully disobeyed God and sinned against the Creator. Sin brought death into the world, and as the consequences of sin, the earth was cursed, sorrow and pain entered the world, and God started once again to work. He set in motion His new work of REDEMPTION – the New Creation – and His glorious plan of salvation started to unfold.
God's Sabbath Rest was rudely interrupted by sin, but the Omniscient God of Grace knew before the foundation of the world that man would disobey Him and His work of redemption would have to manifest at a point in time. God foreknew that man would sin and that only the shed blood of a perfect Kinsman-Redeemer could pay the price for the sin of the whole world. He therefore eternally purposed to send His only begotten Son to be born into the human race, to pay the price for sin; and so began God's ongoing work of redemption. The salvation of man – spirit, soul and body – became God's continuous work from the moment that man sinned. God began His amazing work of redeeming fallen humanity.
This Work of Redemption was the reason the Lord Jesus answered the Pharisees by saying: “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working” (v.17). He made this declaration as the day was fast approaching when His redeeming work on the cross would result in the defeat of sin and victory over death for all who would believe on His name. The Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit began to work in perfect union for humanity’s redemption, right from the moment that sin crept in. And “until now,” the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit continue their redeeming work of saving the fallen human race of man. The perfect plan of the merciful Father is executed by the eternal Son in the power of the omnipotent Holy Spirit.
As many as believe in the finished work of Jesus on the Cross, are saved by grace through faith in Christ Who has become our current, continuous and eternal Sabbath rest. Be become beneficiaries of His plan of redemption and His ongoing works of salvation, justification, sanctification, and future glorification. God’s Word assures: “Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Phi.1:6). Meanwhile, as we rest in Him – Who is our Sabbath – He’ll work through us for the benefit of others and for His praise and glory!
Yes, when God created the world, He rested on the Seventh Day, but He has not ceased to work. God rested from His creative work, but His work of redemption and other related works continue unabated. His sovereign works of love and mercy, compassion, care, and helping, goodness, providing, supplying, looking after and overseeing continue. Each member of the Godhead has unique roles in working with, in, and for the New Creation in Christ. In particular, the work of redemption will continue until there is a new heaven, a new earth and eternal rest for the Creator and His creation alike.
Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)
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The vision of KCOM is that:
"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 3:18).
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