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Sunday, November 6, 2022
Bible Meditation: 
Acts 19: 1-20

Now God worked UNUSUAL MIRACLES by the HANDS of PAUL” – Act 19:11

GOD positioned the ANOINTED HANDS of Paul the apostle, for extraordinary and eternal Impact: “Now God worked UNUSUAL MIRACLES by the HANDS of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirit went out of them” (Acts 19: 11-12). All miracles are extraordinary or unusual – that’s what makes them miracles. However, Luke wanted the reader to know that these were no regular healings. Here, God used inanimate objects to carry healing power from Paul to the sick and cast out demons. The word “handkerchiefs” stands for napkins, or today, “sweat towels”; while the word for “apron” would describe the typical cover worn by someone in trades which required protection of outer clothing.

People touched by Paul’s sweat cloths were supernaturally healed of sicknesses and set free from demonic bondages. There is no reason to assume that God cannot or will no longer perform such mighty manifestations of power through the submitted and anointed hands of His children. These unusual miracles bring to mind the healing power of the Lord’s own garment, that sealed the evil root of an issue of blood (Lk.8:42-48). These miracles were clearly not Paul’s work, but God’s work through Paul to enhance the authority of his evangelistic efforts at Ephesus. This was a city in which the pagan brands of magic were so common, and it was necessary to overpower them with the true power of God. He used these miracles to validate the message of the gospel and establish His work in Ephesus that would impact the world!

Our text juxtaposes the story of Paul’s unusual miracles with the bizarre account of Ephesus’ exorcists and the seven sons of Sceva, who tried to use the name of Jesus to cast out demons (vv.13-17). Our Lord Jesus Christ usually performed miracles either to show compassion and meet human needs, to teach a spiritual truth, or to present His credentials as the Messiah. The apostles followed the same pattern. The miracles they performed were tied to the message and ministry of the Word of God. Satan’s counterfeit through the sons of Sceva, was misguided and self-willed: “the itinerant Jewish exorcists took it upon themselves...” (v.13). Their showmanship initiative got them in a mess. They might have had the best of intentions, but good intentions don’t always weigh when dealing with spiritual matters. Operating in folly rather than faith, they were ignorant of the fact that any work done for God against evil must be God-initiated, God-inspired, and God-infused!

The sons of Sceva wanted to “use” Jesus, and ended up as casualties in spiritual warfare. Today, some ministers claim to carry God’s power, but without proof. Paul never made such claims. All we read is that “GOD WORKED unusual miracles…” The Almighty God was the One who did it – using Paul’s hands. God who could pass His power through the linen aprons tied around the waist and used by Paul in his tentmaking or the sweat rags he wore on his head, is more than able to do the same for and through us, today. The Miracle-working God is still the same; but we must never claim His power or ascribe the Glory to ourselves! Interestingly, the writer and reporter of these unusual miracle-healings, was Luke the physician. He knew enough about diseases and wellness. He testified that “the diseases left them”! Diseases still depart from the sick by the laying on of anointed hands, and at the Name of Jesus (Mk.16: 17-18).

Almighty God holds All Power and gives a Power of Attorney to whoever is willing to be used by Him. God is not a respecter of persons. Peter’s shadow also lifted the sick from couches and beds of affliction – in the streets (Acts 5:15). God used the hands of Stephen (Acts 6:8), Philip (Acts 8: 6-7), Ananias (Acts 9: 17-18), and others, to wrought tangible miracles, and great wonders and signs! God is still in the Business of Salvation, Healing, Deliverance, and Miracles.  Our Anointed hands can be His vehicles for healing and liberating the oppressed!

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, make our ANOINTED HANDS vehicles for Unusual Miracles and manifestations of power to heal and liberate the oppressed, in Jesus’ name.
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"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
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