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Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Bible Meditation: 
Psalm 103: 1-14

HE MADE KNOWN HIS WAYS to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel” – Psalm 103:7

Believers in Christ are meant to transcend merely seeing God’s Acts, to UNDERSTANDING GOD’S WAYS: “HE MADE KNOWN HIS WAYS to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel” (Psa.103:7). To understand God’s WAYS is to know Who He is; to observe His acts is to know what He does. Many people only know God superficially, not intimately; they know His acts, not His Ways. The Israelites in exiting Egypt, witnessed God’s mighty acts up close – the ten plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, and the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. They were captivated by His wonder-working power, yet faltered on the journey, because they didn’t know Him intimately or understand His Ways.

Being spectators to God's spectacular deeds differs from understanding His Ways – His Person, Principles, Character, Values, Lifestyle of Faith, Approaches, and Strategies. In the New Testament multitudes followed Jesus for fleshly provisions, not because they desired to understand Him (Jh.6:26). Some believers in Christ, still focus on God's actions rather than His Ways. They are overly impressed by physical signs, and pursue material blessings at the detriment of eternal virtues. Most of their prayers relate to mundane matters and fleshly desires.

Beyond being the Miracle-Worker, God is the Life-Transformer and Destiny-Moulder! His greater longing is that we know Him and understand His ways, rather than remain mere spectators of His acts. If the acts of God – healings, miracles, signs, wonders, and mighty demonstrations – are all that excite us, then we have not seen the Glory of the New Covenant, and still abide in spiritual infancy.

The Israelites were eager to enter Canaan and enjoy the promised provisions, pleasures, and protection, but Moses wouldn’t settle for these without the Real Deal – The Presence of the Lord: “If I have found grace in Your sight, SHOW ME NOW YOUR WAY, that I may know You…If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here” (Exo.33:13-15). Moses understood the Ways of the Divine!

He knew only God as his serenity, security, and sufficiency. He didn’t just ask God to show him the physical direction to the Promised Land, but to show him HIS WAY. He refused to settle for angelic guidance, saying in essence: “I don’t want provision and protection without Your Presence. I will not settle for any blessing without the Blesser. I don’t want the land without the Lord.” That’s what it means to understand, cherish and passionately pursue God’s Ways, rather than being merely thrilled by His acts. Moses sought to know God more intimately.

Even though they “saw” His works forty years, Israel found no rest because they never knew God’s Ways! (Heb.3:9). Understanding God’s Ways leads us into His Rest, Serenity, and Stability in a troubled world: “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exo.33:14b).

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, as we press on in UNDERSTANDING YOUR WAYS, may we find Rest, Serenity, and Stability even in this troubled world, in Jesus’ name.
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