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Saturday, December 26, 2020
Bible Meditation: 
Matthew 2: 1-11

And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh” – Matthew 2:11b

Christmas reminds us of GOD’S PERFECT GIFT: And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh” (Mt.2:22). Amidst the world’s holiday celebration, there are deeper meanings relating to Jesus Christ as the Reason for the Season! As we meditate on Jesus’ birth and the wise men that honoured Him with gifts, we’ll realise the significance of God’s Perfect Gift – Jesus: Every good gift and every PERFECT GIFT is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (Jam.1:17).

We often see three wise men depicted in the manger scene presenting gifts to the baby Jesus. While there is no definite proof that there were only three of them, only three gifts were mentioned: gold, incense (or frankincense), and myrrh (v.11). Though we don’t know precisely what each of the gifts signified, they were likely chosen for a reason. According to tradition, gold was given to the infant King as a token of His royalty. Fragranced incense – Frankincense – used in sacrificial offerings, possibly represents Jesus’ deity. Myrrh, a perfume or ointment, was a token of His future suffering. When folks at Christmas try to find the “perfect gift” to buy for friends and family, such usually meets three criteria: it should reflect the one who gives it; it should reflect knowledge of the one who receives it – their needs, desires or tastes; and should be of enduring value.

In sending His Son Jesus, God gave humankind the Perfect Gift. He meets all of the criteria of a perfect gift.

Jesus – the Perfect Gift – reflects the Father who gave Him: who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person” (Heb.1:3a). Colossians 1:15 describe Him as: “the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. Anyone who had seen Jesus had seen the Father (Jh.14:9). The Father’s words flowed from Jesus’ lips. The Father’s mercy and compassion were shown through Jesus’ actions. The Father’s abundant provision was displayed through Jesus’ generosity. His life revealed the Father’s great power and love! Jesus is the Perfect Reflection of the One Who gave Him.

Jesus – the Perfect Gift – reflects knowledge of our needs for salvation, redemption, deliverance, healing, and love. God knew we needed the Saviour, Deliverer, Redeemer, Healer, and Friend; someone who was fully God and fully man. Only Jesus could meet these needs. Being fully God enabled Jesus to carry our sin. His Deity enabled Him to be the Sacrifice Who could bear the sin of the world along with the penalties of sickness, poverty, and spiritual death. Being fully human allowed Jesus to identify with what we go through in order to provide for all of our needs and desires and to care for us in any situation. Jesus became our Substitute. We owed a debt we could not pay, and Jesus paid a debt He did not owe. Our greatest need was Redemption, and God sent the Redeemer! God knew what we needed, and He sent the perfect Gift.

Jesus – the Perfect Gift – holds value for all eternity. He is of such nature and quality that will never diminish in value. Jesus’ value is eternal (Jh.3:16). Jesus is the Gift that keeps on giving; the Gift that never expires, goes out of style, becomes obsolete; and never needs an “update” or a newer model. Every generation needs a Redeemer and Saviour to lift them out of sin and into the righteousness of God. The Perfect Gift is already ours through Christ.

Jesus is the Gift that never loses value! Even though we don’t deserve and could never earn this Perfect Gift, God freely gave Jesus to all who will receive Him. God’s love for us in Christ never fades, diminishes, or weakens. Christmas is the season for giving gifts and the celebration of God’s Perfect Gift of Jesus to those He loves – to you and me!

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, manifest in all aspects of my life as GOD’S PERFECT GIFT for all of my needs at all times, in Jesus name.
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"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
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