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Monday, August 22, 2022
Bible Meditation: 
Luke 5: 1-11

Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless AT YOUR WORD I WILL let down the net” – Luke 5:5b                              

The story of Simon Peter teaches among other lessons, how HEARTS attract MIRACLES: “When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your Word I will let down the net” (Lk.5:4-5). This is the testimony of someone whose frustrated heart responded to Jesus’ Words of power, encountered miracles, and had a transformed life. Jesus was by the Sea of Galilee (also called Lake of Gennesaret). He saw two empty boats. He could have merely taught the people by the seaside, but He purposed to welcome Peter into ministry in a unique manner. This was not his first meeting with Jesus. Previously, He had graciously called him by a new name – Cephas (Jh.1:35-42). Beyond Calling, this was Jesus pursuing Peter to the point of Transformation and Commissioning (vv.8-10).

For fisherman Peter, it had been one of those futile and fruitless nights up and down the shores of Galilee, casting out nets, and pulling them back in empty. He had pulled out all of his bags of tactics learned through the years without success. Morning dawned, and all he had to show for a night of labour were nets full of weeds. As he was washing the nets hoping for a better day, Jesus approached, followed by a multitude. He stepped into his boat, sat and asked that he put out a little from the land in order to minister to the crowd using the boat as preaching platform. Peter had the choice to obey or refuse and also to listen or not. Having finished teaching the multitude, the Lord turned to Peter, instructing his frustrated heart to “Launch out into the deep” in the same waters he had experienced all-night failure!

The Lord not only deals with the collective and corporate – the multitude, He invests precious time and grace on the Individual whose heart hungers for His Heart. Almost without express permission, He borrowed and used Peter’s boat, his primary occupational tool and symbol of his livelihood, and promptly purposed to bless it. God is never a debtor to anyone! Whatever He borrows, He blesses! In Peter’s case, The Hound of Heaven pursued Peter’s Heart, determined to call him to deeper communion and intimacy beyond the outer-court multitude. Peter had already been a part of listening to Jesus, but his relationship must become deeper and more real. Jesus gradually leads us into deeper communion with and obedience to Him. He asks, to check our willingness; then commands: Go out deeper. Let down the nets! 

The Lord knows all hearts and how to reach each. Peter and those with him had been toiling all night. Tired, discouraged, and weary, they had come to the end of themselves, concluding that the day had been an utter waste. Yet, though his hands were raw from casting nets into the chilly, dark Sea, he tip-toed into the edge of what Jesus wanted him to do. There was an inner tussle between a frustrated and a willing heart! God knows we may be tired and discouraged. But He is not asking us to do something we’re not capable of. He’s simply asking us to take a small step of obedience. His instruction may sound ridiculous, but that’s often the stuff of the miraculous! Christ’s Word empowered the willing and obedient side of Peter’s heart to win over the frustrated side: “nevertheless at Your Word I WILL let down the net” (v.5). Even so, his obedience was tainted with a measure of reluctance: he let down his NET rather than the instructed NETS!

Beloved, Jesus is pursuing you for sweeter communion. He has been in the boat of your life, though may have appeared to be asleep. But He who never slumbers is with you, tapping you on the shoulder to let go of your nets, trust Him with your Heart – the guilt, anxiety and fear, be transformed from Glory to Glory, and follow Him!

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, let Your Word empower our HEARTS to be willing, obedient, win over frustration, and attract MIRACLES of Transformation, in Jesus name.
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"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
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