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Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Bible Meditation: 
1 John 3: 1-10

“And everyone who has this hope in Him PURIFIES HIMSELF, just as He is pure” – 1 John 3:3

To walk in perfection is to WALK IN PURITY: “And everyone who has this hope in Him PURIFIES HIMSELF, just as He is pure” (1 Jh. 3:3). God wants us to live as clean, pure, and holy persons. Fundamentally, we have been purified in Jesus’ blood, not by self-effort. Only by His blood can the stain of sin be removed. We are justified – declared “not guilty”, sanctified, and endowed with dominion over sin. Now, we stand in the presence of the perfect, holy God, as His children.

Yesterday, we meditated on ‘Walking in Holiness’. Holiness produces PURITY! God is holy and pure; He wants us to be holy and pure: in thoughts, words, and deeds. This begins with possessing pure hearts: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Mt.5:8). Paul wrote: “…the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart…” (1Tim.1:5a). He also spoke of “holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience” (1Tim.3:9); serving God “with pure a conscience” (2Tim.1:3); and loving “one another fervently with a pure heart” (1Pet.1:22).

Followers of Christ are called to walk in purity – living morally “clean” lives. Christ is sinless and He came to remove sin. Therefore, whoever abides in Him does not practice sin. Habitually sinful conduct indicates an absence of fellowship with God. Claiming to be God’s child with sin as lifestyle is questionable (vv.3-6). Satan’s sinful nature manifests through the lives of those who belong to him; but Jesus came to destroy the devil’s works. Whoever lives in sin, even a believer, is of the devil being a participant in the devil’s activity (v.8). Sadly, some believers run errands for the devil (Mk. 8:31–33; Jam.3:6). Allowing God’s Seed – the divine nature, indwelling Holy Spirit, and the Word – to grow in you produces dominion over sin.

Habitual sin is not consistent with the Christian walk. God’s nature manifests by practicing righteousness (v.10). Children of the devil display their basic nature by sinning. Believers who sin are not expressing their nature as children of God; instead, they are following the devil’s pattern. We must not have a hint of uncleanness in how we live (Eph.5:3-7). The Lord does not want us to rationalize or be lackadaisical about impurity. Walking in Purity pertains to three key areas of life among others:

Purity in Sexuality: But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting saints” (Eph.5:3; 1The.4:3). The Bible prohibits: Lust or sinful desires (Mt. 5:28; Jam.1:14-15; 1 Pet. 4:3); adultery or extramarital sex (Ex. 20:14; Pro.6:32); Incest (Lev. 18:6-18; 20:11-17); homosexuality (Rom. 1:26-27; 1 Cor. 6:9); and bestiality (Ex. 22:19; Deut. 27:21). Today’s culture idolizes and obsesses over sexuality. It threatens biblical boundaries by putting sexuality at the centre of human identity, joy, and fulfilment. Sex is a marvellous gift from God to be used in the context of marriage (Mt. 19:3-12; Heb.13:4). Our identity is found in our relationship to God and the value He places on us!

Purity in our Thoughts and Tongue: We must abhor corrupt communication, “obscenity” – vulgar, shameful, disgraceful utterances, and “foolish talk” or speech with indecent intent (Eph.4:29; 5:4). Such do not fit followers of Christ in whom the Holy Spirit lives. Our speech should be seasoned with grace (Col.4:6). Purity involves meditating on God’s Word instead of allowing dark negative thoughts to overcome us; speaking words of faith into situations instead of tongues that utter evil (Psa.119:9,11).

Purity in Possessions: We are not called to covetousness or greed in what we have or want (Lk.12:15; Eph.5:5). The culture of consumerism entices us to want more and chase “better” things; but one can be lost in greed for things and pleasures, which is idolatry – allowing something other than God to order one’s thinking and actions.

Beloved, you can be an “example of the believer…in PURITY” (1 Tim.4:12). Choose not to lust (Job 31:1). Submit to the Refiner’s Fire (Mal. 3:2-3). Walk in the Spirit (Gal. 5:16-25). Flee lusts and pursue righteousness (2 Tim. 2:22). You can walk pure in an impure world!

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, grant me a pure heart and cause me to WALK in PURITY, as a shining example in an impure world, in Jesus name.
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