“The spirit world is an unknown realm to many Christians. To others, it is where they live every day of their lives. Those Christians are more conscious of the spirit world than of the place called “Earth.” Those who stand beside them in the flesh do not understand. They look at those who have paid the price to live in the spirit world and call them “weird,” “fanatics,” or “in-error.”
…This age is coming to a divine conclusion. When this age closes, where will you be standing? Will you be standing in the flesh? Will you be standing in your crumbling world, crying and attempting to build it back together? Or will you be found searching for gold and silver? Where will you be with God? Are you serious about the Kingdom of God? Do you want God to be your friend? Do you want God to walk and talk with you everywhere you go?
…People who change the course of history are those who have died to their flesh. They will not walk out onto a platform as human bodies of flesh; they will walk out as empty vessels through whom the Lord Jesus Christ Himself can speak to His people.
When you are dead to self, the only thing that keeps you alive is the presence of God within you. Then, when you walk out onto that platform, or when you walk into a place of business, you do not walk in as yourself but as a representative of Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords. No man can look on a man who has died to self and come alive unto God without coming in contact with the truth of the Gospel.
When people have died to self and Jesus walks and talks through them, they act right, talk right, look right, and walk right. When someone like that walks into a place, other people will comment, “There is something different about you.” That is what the world is looking for.
…Kathryn Kuhlman, one of the world’s greatest evangelists, said that when she was backstage, ready to go out before the people, she died a thousand deaths. She said, “I know better than anyone else that Kathryn Kuhlman has nothing to do with what happens here today. It is not me. I have no healing power. I have no saving power. It is not my touch that will do it; it is His touch.”
That is the kind of person the world needs today: a person who is absolutely dead to himself. Criticism cannot hurt a dead person. You can walk up to a dead person whose flesh is dead and hit him, but he will not even respond. That is the kind of person God is using today.
Christ gave Himself up so He could be used. We must give ourselves up so that we, too, can be used.”
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The vision of KCOM is that:
"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 3:18).
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