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January 2015


While man is not seeking God, God is seeking man.

C.S. Lewis, the great British author and theologian, was once an atheist. He couldn’t stand the thought of being a Christian. One day he came face-to face with his Creator:

You must picture me alone in that room in Oxford University night after night feeling whenever my mind drifted even for a second from my work, the steady, unrelenting approach of Him whom I so earnestly desired not to meet. That which I greatly feared had at last come upon me.


“…the greatest sin is rebellion against God, refusal to love and seek Him. This is not something man has to work up to. He naturally wants to escape from God and hide. This is the law of man’s natural tendency: man’s nature is to run away from God, not toward Him. Man does have a religious side, but it does not overrule this basic law: “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way” (Is.53:6).


“Many people who saw the lame man at Bethsatha Pool might have said something like this: “Sure, I see him there. I know it’s a pitiful situation. I feel really sorry for him, but what can I do? I have no power.”

What can one person do? The answer to that is simple – a whole lot! One committed person can do unbelievable things. One person consumed with love can turn the world upside down. Jesus proved that!

…In the musical For Heaven’s Sake, Helen Krower put it like this: “One man can awake, can awaken another… One man up with dawn in his eyes – multiplies.”


“Every believer is called to live a life that is abundant, increasing and always expanding. Words like growing, improving, expanding and increasing are the vocabulary of God’s abundant life. Abundant life is about always moving forward and rising higher. When life on earth started in Genesis 1, the Spirit of the Lord started moving across the earth, and He has never stopped since then…


“The spirit world is an unknown realm to many Christians. To others, it is where they live every day of their lives. Those Christians are more conscious of the spirit world than of the place called “Earth.” Those who stand beside them in the flesh do not understand. They look at those who have paid the price to live in the spirit world and call them “weird,” “fanatics,” or “in-error.”


“‘Glory.’ That’s one of those lofty, in-the-clouds words, isn’t it? Difficult to visualize. Hard to get in focus. The meaning is either so heavy we can’t keep a grip of it – or so high above our heads that we can’t even reach it.

We hear people talk about God’s grace, righteousness, redemption, and glory and we nod our heads. Sure, all of those things are important, but sometimes the meaning seems a little, well, distant from our daily lives. What does god’s glory have to do with finishing a report for school, changing the oil in the car, or getting the laundry folded?


“Every age must have its own proof of the majesty and power of God in the church of Jesus Christ. It is not enough to give witness of God's power in days gone by. The unbelieving world wants to see a living demonstration of the power of God today. We cannot inherit the evidences; we must create them.


“What do you when everything seems to be going wrong? …

It could be very comforting to realize that the problems you are facing are not unique. Somebody somewhere has been in it before. The history of achievement is coloured with the image of men who either failed the first time around or many times over. American history will not be complete without the Great Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln. He was the embodiment of what victory over failure is. But he was a man who was ready to make his failure work for him:

In 1831. Failed in business.


“A few years ago I was invited to the beautiful nation of Brazil to address a leadership conference. During my stay there, my host took me to visit a little town made famous by a sculptor who had lost both hands to the disease of leprosy. As a young man stricken with this horrible disease, he would sit for many hours and watch his father work in his wood carving shop. One day the young man decided to train himself to carve and sculpt wood with his feet and the parts of his arms he had not lost to the leprosy.


“…I tend to forget who I am, especially who I am in relation to God. I get out of touch with my size and importance in relation to His. I get so involved in the particulars of my own small world that I unconsciously begin to view myself as the leading character in my own little soap opera, rather than as a supporting character in God’s great drama of life. I find myself living as though I were a totally autonomous being in control of my own destiny, rather than the child of a loving God living by His grace.


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Our Vision

The vision of KCOM is that:
"the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas" (Habakkuk 2:14).
"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 3:18).

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