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Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Bible Meditation: 
Amos 5: 14-24

But let JUSTICE roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream” – Amos 5:24

To Walk in God’s Way is to WALK IN JUSTICE: “But let JUSTICE roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream” (Amo. 5:24). Amos prophesied for Justice and Righteousness to flow. God is both Righteous and Just! The two are inherent in who He is! And He wants these virtues to be displayed in and through His children. Justice relates to equity, fairness, and moral rightness. To do Justice means to know and seek God’s justice and righteousness in our lives and in the world around us. Justice describes creating a world where all people have equal opportunity to fully develop and deploy the gifts that God has placed within them. To act justly is to live with a sense of right and wrong; to walk responsibly before God, and actively defend and protect the needs of the vulnerable, the abused, cheated, hurt, or oppressed.

According to Micah 6:8, Justice, Mercy, and Humility form a triumvirate: “What does the Lord require of you but to DO JUSTLY, to LOVE MERCY, and to WALK HUMBLY with your God” (Mic.6:8). The truly just person is merciful and humble! These three virtues are deeply interconnected, but walking in humility is the basis for justice and mercy. The word ‘Justice’ generally portrays the notion of the justice system: prosecutors, the accused, crime, and punishment. It sounds ironical that a justice-minded person will show mercy or live in humility; and that a merciful person will see justice fulfilled. But the Wisdom of God confirms that these three traits represent basic tenets of the Christian life that are displayed throughout the words and works of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yet, they seem to be so rare in today’s culture and society.

God’s people have the opportunity to saturate a troubled world with His order and peace, by speaking and living out true justice in words and actions, showing and appreciating God’s Mercy, and walking in humility before God and others. As situations and people around us become increasingly contentious, it is just more reason to dig deeper into how we can move from only talking about these traits, to faithfully living them out. Christians should be known as a people of Justice, Mercy, and Humility. It is important to note that we are to DO justice. It is not just an abstract thought, but something that we act upon. We are to demonstrate Justice not just in what we say but in what we do.

God is Just. Every concept of what is right and what is wrong has been handed down by Him throughout the ages, and have become the foundation for every modern legal system. David prayed to God: “Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of Your throne, love and faithfulness go before You” (Psa.89:14). Again, we see JUSTICE linked with LOVE! True Justice is done in love and we a desire to honour and glorify God. To be loving is not an excuse for avoiding to say what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ or judging actions, behaviour, and situations with a sense of fairness. Biblically, justice is done in the name of love and for the sake of healing our relationships with one another and with God. True Justice is living out the truth of Scripture, and speaking truth to others; including speaking truth to power. It is done in love and spoken through mercy and humility.

God requires us to do Justice, not to place ourselves as superior to others, but to walk in love, sharing and living out the truth of the Gospel. Justice, Mercy, and Humility must go hand-in-hand. Together, they keep our hearts balanced, focused, and centred on godliness. Justice without mercy leads to cruelty. Mercy without justice leads to vulnerability. Humility without confidence in God’s justice and love for God’s mercy leads to debilitating fear and lack of self-worth. When the three are in perfect biblical balance, we become Imitators of Christ, who was filled with Grace and Truth and placed the needs of others above His own.

Adetokunbo O. Ilesanmi (Meditations)

Lord, inspire and lead us to WALK IN JUSTICE, speaking and living out Your Truth in Love, Mercy, and Humility, in Jesus name.
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